Getting Back My "I"

If i could put my neshama into words, this is what I would say... 💕

The Gemara says that Eretz Yisrael is the center of the world. It doesn't just mean that geographically Eretz Yisrael is the center of the world. Eretz Yisrael gives us back that center...

in chutz l'aaretz, we have everything, but we don't have our 'I'. ...

what's the 'I' of a person? When I am in touch with my 'I', I know what the point of me being in this world really is.

Getting Back My "I"

Reb Shlomo Carlebach on Parasha Ki Savo

You know something friends, basically we are all living in two worlds. On a certain level we are living in a world where I have to do what everybody else is doing. Everybody goes to sleep, I go to sleep; everybody wakes up, hopefully I will wake up. Everybody makes a few rubles, I try to make a few rubles. But then there is something else, the deepest, deepest depths of me - where it's just "I", nobody else in the world. 

I want you to know, the Gemara says that Eretz Yisrael is the center of the world. It doesn't just mean that geographically Eretz Yisrael is the center of the world. Eretz Yisrael gives us back that center.

Here is a Modzitzer Torah which you can't forget: It says 'Vehaya  Ki   Savo  El Ha'aretz', when you come to the Holy Land, 'Asher Ani Nosain L'cha', which I am giving you. So the old Modzitzer, Reb Shaul Yedidya, says like this. 'Vehaya  Ki   Savo  El Ha'aretz' when you come to the Land, 'Asher Ani Nosayn Lachem', where G-d gives you back your 'ANI', your 'I'. See what it is, in chutz l'aaretz, outside the land, we have everything, but we don't have our 'I'.

Friends, what's the 'I' of a person? When I am in touch with my 'I', I know what the point of me being in this world really is. I bless you and me we should always be connected to that center.


Hareini הרינ

