Netzach ShBYesod



Tiferet shbYesod

"Bringing down Neshamot"
Deeply knowing my neshama chose this... helps me navigate moment to moment

Based on shiur with Nechama Sarah Burgeman
23 Iyar 5783

How are we going to walk out of our tents...
with an expansive sense of our ability to express ourselves?
With hitchadshut?

How are we going to Inter-face the light
with the challenge ...
panim lpanim?

How are we going to bond our
air element with our earth element...To be in a state of harmony with my higher self while bringing it into relationship with

I Immerse in the
Lower feminine waters of
Yesod she bTiferet energy with intention to rectify this
For myself and Klal Yisrael.

Distributing the Yesod light
for 7 days
I immerse in the connection with the closest
most triggering relationship
From a place of
hod. Hachnaa

Consciousness of the tikun
Of Rebuilding brokenness
on the foundation of truth
Yesod = emet

Holding to my yesod / truth with gevurah
Not loosing or denying my truth
In back to back interaction of mocking or diminishment
But instead
Reflecting THEIR light

The emet of yesod
is being cultivated now
Breathing it in...

Immersion into the situation
As tikun
Aligning my cosmic spine
Giving it over to Hashem

 this world of relationship is too complex to do it myself
I go into bitul

I choose to connect to Keter
To that place of emunah

Going to Dveikus
having CLARITY in my connection with Hashem

That place of connection is always there.
Its being revealed to me
Bchasdei Hashem
the klippas are being removed
And so therefore, I cling to Him

Not out of desperation
But from a place of hishtavus

By clinging.
knowing Hashem.
Knowing Hashem 
is daas
I bring my consciousness
to my throat

breathing into my throat...
Releasing any tightness

Imagining a bright white light surrounding daas
Expanding my throat area
Releasing the klippos / past story / paro
Breathing into Shema Yisrael...

The vav energy
Tiferet >Yesod
The intimate knowing
On how I am showing up...
(No longer in my head)

Carrying his / her opposite view
Tolerating the paradox
Embracing their different perspective
Of other
With patience (bina)

If necessary ... allowing
Movement of the
netzach and hod dance
Making room for a true yesod connection
Feeling into the stretch

Move forward to the
Next bit of light
Netzach sheb Yesod
Imaging a hoop...

What is the klippa we are leaping through?
On the hirhur level (All the old recordings in your mind)
we lock people in a perception
Our preconceptions of how they
And I
Are going to react

What loop
am i leaping through today
To leap to the next level?

This challenge is happening for only this purpose.
For the Hakara / recognition
To be clear about this spiritual reality and to keep growing and doing this birur / refinement process

What Biror will I make
to let go of my (comforting) sabotaging thoughts? Which are blocking
 true intimacy with another
Not allowing the connection to evolve

This and
Every situation is an opportunity
To show up differently !!!!!
We dont want to be sleeping / unconscious
Wake up!

How do you want to show up differently?

Breath into your kidneys
As you project future (and current) interactions
Feel you blood

Allow hashem to pulsate you
Receive the vibration
Receive the knowledge you need
Not being needy
Not needing
to know everything

Hashem please guide me to do your will
To choose your will

that the other is connecting to her/ his bina
We are all in the process
Of aligning Yesod

Geula consciousness is
Trusting the nisayon you've been given
and expanding that particular place in the neshama

The Birth / Malchus
is immanent
We are drawing down a
Shira Chadasha / new song

Netzach She BYesod

Deeply knowing my neshama chose this... helps me sustain connection to the Borei haOlam
moment by moment

I navigate each choice
one at a time כך לכך

By engage with the feeling /constriction with purposeful kavana for transformation

Netzach flowing within me with rhythmic inhale and exhale

Yesod is the foundation holding my choice to be in presence  נוכחות
In my center column

in this Panim lPanim
Life / chius is generated through my choices

In this 49 day process
I am showing up with inner abundance
Allowing adaptability
And not needing to know it all

Embracing this Tikun of Daas
choosing with each new moment
to vibrate on a higher geula frequency
Chash / mal
Ratzo / shov