Tomer Devora / Chapter 2

4 shvat 5783
Aba tati
I set my intention to endure
When the other lacks the tools to be rational
And im taking it personally
To allow my tears to rise
And cry out to you
I lower my gaze humbly
I minimize myself
I ask you to help me
To enable me to connect to keter

12 shvat 5783


Will I reach to my keter as moshe reached for his staff
Humbly facing downwards
Choosing to survive
To come through this yam suf
I complain I cry out
Where are you hashem
With your rachamim
You enable me to reach for my keter
To choose!!
To reach for my keter
As moshe chose to reach for his staff
All for your glory
We reach out branches upward
Toward keter
As moshe reached for his staff

To gather with our desire, our ratzon
Our yearning to exist
And to serve you.

May we reach for our keter
May we choose make His name great

I will reach for my keter
Humbly eyes facing down
Choosing to survive
To come through this yam suf
I may complain and cry out
You enable me
And I choose to reach for keter

We are walking and recognizing the nes of every moment
How are we going to walk through

We are walk through with keter
How he chose to mashpia others
I will do this
In spite of everyones story and complaints
Looking at destruction
I will choose
To know I am collectively
A receptacle of all this energy
I am important in this moment

And this is what we face
Choosing to reach upward
Humbly reaching up
The gaze is downward
I am destined to greatness
Knowing humbly
We are made for greatness

The dichotomy
Of being destined to reveal him as we reach for our keter
And help others to help others get to the other side
With Him
We can choose this
And with the waves crashing over
Ride the waves
Go down and come up
With Bitachon

We can only do this with pure bitachon
I have the choice I am going through with bitachon
I am reaching for my staff
And beseech you for bitachon
I need You
It is only You who gave me this free choice
I am asking you to choose and meet me
And help me reveal your greatness

With that humble knowing
I am you daughter
You made me part of you
Our branches are intertwined

Me … ani?
any / ayin
know that I am made for this

lets do this.