


✨🪞✨PPS: Soul Sisters Transforming from light seekers to light reflectors. May we continue drawing from the Ohr Chadash, the PPS Post Purim Simcha each day. (Thank you to Nechama Sarah for this lashon! )Its imporant to support each other and bring this new awareness and awakening to our malchut / speech.

💞Heart Talk with each other... Dialogue about your personal shift to bring it to an everlasting paradigm shift. BeH. If we each RISE TO OUR 👑 on individual level, we are raising the consciousness of Klal Yisrael.

The expansiveness of nashim tzidkaniot, Jewish women coming together with this kavana - removing the veils, bringing the Shechina out of galus .... as we are becoming more and more aware of our desires and drives and aligning with our mission / tikkun ... step by step כך וכך 🧗🏻‍♀️with our constant movement toward this movement (ratzo vshov / chash-mal) toward Ayn Od Milvado.

✨💖✨May we shine and reflect the rishimu of the Ohr chadash / new light... in this Pre-Pesach transformation... igniting nefesh / ruach / neshama with herchavat haDaat /expanded consciousness...Ad dlo Yada.

Post Purim Sameach! Instead of PTS we can enjoy PPS. What internal shifts can you now reflect upon that are enabling you to live with more simcha? What old inner voices could you identify which had been preventing you from living fully and appreciating every moment. What shifts in attitudes can you digest forever? What was revealed to you in your Megillah? May we help each other continue to emerge from the residues of the Persian exile as we reclaim the royal malchut of our femininity. Perhaps choose your chavruta and review these questions and re enforce their answers.

Nechama Sarah Burgeman

Purim 5783 High Counsel

The Shechinah 

rose foremost 

from mochin dkatnut

As we ascended from our self-absorption ...

internalizing emunah

With the hevlei dgarmi

Our emunah spread to mochin dgadlut


With Chash-mal / ratzo v shov


throughout all our limbs 

and our entire being.

The avodah of the women

imbued all of creation 

with an Ohr Chadash 

both on a personal and collective level

Ad dlo yadah reached to the essential

Breath of the bones 

devekus was palpable

As we swirled in circle consciousness 

As Tziona took her tamborine

And we swirled and spiraled 

Out of ani

And into ayin

Beyond knowing 

Who was to my left or to my right?

Which way was left or right or up or down?

Who was mordecai or haman?

Its beyond knowing

Hashem Echad 

Is healing 

With this overflowing of teshuva from love

Pleasw may i finally get what my tikkun is all about so i dont have to replay it again on my lifetime. 

Rectified heart talk 

Carries me above fear

To love

I felt utterly supported by friends and strangers

The merged as One

Yichud of guf and neshama

Merged with

With Radical acceptance 

Whilst in this tikkun dance

Stomping out judgement

As the rise and fall of the breath of my bones

Aligned to His ratzon

Simcha leveled upwards

The golf ball 

unfolded to reveal all the secrets

Of our soul family 


paradoxically aligned

and flowing

As the Creator   

Created shiluvim 

as She the Shechina wove Her 

Presences in and out 

Up and down 

And between our beings

As we ascended.

To Energetically bond with

Esther's intimate knowing of Malchus

Running and returning 


this emerging merkava of 

light iteration of 

selves not-absorbed 

Is creating space for 

the Shechina 

to enter

This electrum on the rooftop  

Igniting the world 

geula revealed