1. Reva Emunah Seidel
    2. Rabbi Yaakov Zalman Labinsky

Esther HaMalka

Women in Tanach Series
2-15-22 / Purim Katan

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Rabbi Yaakov Zalman Labinsky
Relating to Space
Mother Nature 2-13-22

for more info see: Rabbi Yakov Labinsky 39 Melachos

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Erev Purim katan

Rabbi Labinsky 39 Melachos MAAMER
13 Adar alef

Root soul
Intermediary through time and place

Chitzoni, gashmi, ruchni

Nikuda hapnimi
Enlivens the physical
288 soul sparks

Divine sparks hitlavesh in the physical
How do we relate to the physical world
As it relates to

Purim katan tonight

The question we are asking when we are talking about space
Cleanliness, orderliness,
How do you relate to tevah

Chitzoni tension between nefesh elokis and nefesh behamis
External way of looking at space
Mother nature
Mother earth
Euphemistic answer
Is tied to the nekaiva
Female dimension
Full actuality

Is it just about euphemism mother nature
Go a little deeper
We have a physical
Michtav eliyahu “Nature and Miracle
Creating a paradigm

A famous guest speaker, mother nature
Everyone is praising her
At the end of the interview
Can we speak heart to heart?
Are you the source of your own existence
MN: that’s a great question
I’m not the origins of my existence
We are giving her all the accolades
This is the best speaker
Can you please explain
Do you know my Jewish name
You call me mother nature
I’m flattered
On the chitonius

In mystical terms my name is olam
Who are you?
Haalem to conceal
Oh you’re so modest
You are hiding your greatness
Why am I called olam
For all you guys who look at me and praise me
Or through a tornado or earthquake
That rips through creating
I am appointed by the creator of the entire universe

When you look at me from the outside
I am veiled
But the Jews know who I am
The Jews know I have no separate independent power
My glory is only a reflection of the ribono shel olam

The power of the natural world
I am revealing to you in the humblest way
You know me as mother nature
Deep in my very being is a kav
Pulsating through me and enclothed in the physical world
This is my true identity
This is the moshal
Of the core tension

Mother nature female quality 7:16
Say she’s exquisite, incredible
But she has no existence whatsoever
Enclothed and embedded in the natural world
Come seek me out
Come find me

That’s the nefesh elokis
The tension
Between the glorified world
Pullin off the veil
In a finite form

How do we relate to this tension

Michtav eliyahu
Rabbi Tatz the world mask
There’s 5 levels of looking at the natural world
Pure physicality
As you go up the ladder
Less physical and more divine
Highest: no physical, all divine

Masking and masking Teva
Unveiling the veil
Taking the form of physical
Human being reigns supreme, done

Mother nature: come into my inner sanctum
Into the dimension of malchus
See the elokus in me
And you see the sparks in you

Its only the out appearance
And shares the appearance of divinity
It takes s smaller space
Eitz Chaim
Closer to ruchnius
The physical shrinks
Zeh lumat zeh
Our job is to shrink the physical
Unveiling the concealment

Purim katan is in the 2nd tekufa
Fetus begins to expand
After tu bshvat
30 days after
See it in a divine way

The inner mechanics of the bais haMikdosh
Asking each of us how we begin to work on our special relationship to the world

Not I love Purim I have a great time
Good feeling good will
The whole 24 hours
In the megillah, metanos levyonim
Going into the natural world
Going to HKBH with elevation

Don’t be fooled like the rest of the world
The whole Jewish people of all times
The greatest of divine truth
Not just of planet earth , but the higher worlds
Into this special realm
Our job is to remove it
VEIL > Evil> live
Subjugate the evil that lives in the world
The power of Purim
The day is so luminescent!!

Light from the highest place to the lowest place
You can see the Teva
That’s the kedusha of Purim
30 days before pesach
The nature of ARMA
Part of behamis elokis tension
The kochos hanefesh
How do you view your own ARMA

SAME Thing in elokus way
You can call your self an Gdly being
Or a HU-man being

The hiddenness is there
To peel back
And discover who she truly is

Peel the teva of your world
Reveal the enclothement
See the wind water fire earth
Where is the havaya
Where is that expressed in your divine attributes
And middos

People with big egos
The more humble we become
We take up less space

Seek out the elements of arma
The first realm of nature
That tension of special realm
Goes through time and divinity

Clutter and space
Rooted in a soul realm
Physical nature primarily so
Or it comes to Purim koton
Make a deeper choice
Just physical

It hitlabshut
And enclothment of hashems oneness in a world
Open up and let it shine
In the most luminescent way

Not just physical in sight sound taste smell touch
Develop the senses to looking in things
Listen to the vibration translating to sound listen with your inner ear
To the soul
To the wind
It’s a divine message
From the thing it is coming from

The arizal
Attuned to the ability to every rock
Listen to the pnimius reality

Not just smell
It smells wonderful

Not just taste bud
I eat therefore I am no!

Touch not just about tactile
To experience the inner reality

Fire wind water earth
A willingness to choose to unveil our innerness
Simple reality we are divine beings
Be willing to unmask
Be free to be our true ultimate divine selves
And bring this world to its redemptive state

The more we unveil ourselves
The more we unclothe the natural world
We will see the divine
Be willing to go into the special realm
The table, chairs
First through my soul, time and space
We are bringing maamer
The sense of physical
Order / lack of order
All the struggles people deal with outer things
Outer appearance of things
Maamer and loish
To join with space
To make a definitive secret
She is a veiled place in which HKBH’s ein sof is
We want to touch the reality
Through physical realm
To touch see feel
Challenging all the potential things
Where every barrier be turned into a bridge

Develop a more inner relationship to space
Where it seems that hashem isn’t

What is your relationship to space
Working toward
How do you see it in a divine way?

Q&A 7:36
How do I relate to interpersonal space
Do I like a buffer zone?
4 Amos davening
Special distance; keeping people at a distance
At what level do you keep people at a distance

At what extent do you keep your divine self at a distance
I can schmooze
I can converse to what extent
I connect to my arma
The 4 elements.
A real sense of divine closeness
But you have to bring the truth into your
HEART is the emotion capacity to feel truth
Heart is about hearing the truth of your higher realm
And bringing it to the emotional realm
The seat of the emotion
Things become more tangibly real

The more we develop our emotional intelligence
We will hear the truth
Emotional realm to action

Heart> earth
The heart goes above
To below to earth
To the realm of space
The heart bridges the upper and lower
The yetzer hara makes space around the heart
For fear of letting them see you
The yetzer hara says
Don’t feel yourself
You may feel things very deeply
What you know in your heart
And permeate your heart
Right side love
Left side fear
The klippot around your heart
The number 1 bandit is shame
Shame an outer perception of bad that you’ve done something wrong
You sense shame
You are bad
Action special realm
Shame can be activated
Me: stealing the plastic flowers on the wreath of the monument in Himmelfarb st
Many barriers around the heart
Shame is the number 1 soul killer

When you feel badly
And you internalize the shame
The outside world
How horrible I am
That’s how the satan takes us out of the world
We don’t deserve to exist
No physical place in this world
Break the klippa

Maalos lvavecha
Both in yira and ahava
Remove the falsehood in the heart
All the fears and love
Refine your heart
Bring it in a full service to hashem
Barrier klippa
Kuf lamed fay
Lkalef: peel away

Taruvos of good and bad
Can peel a banana
Peel away the spiritual peels of your heart
Unveil his concealment

10th one we trust that hashem know all the trust and action
You are not truly hidden
The mother puts the hand over the baby’s eyes
That’s my hand peek a boo
I’m hiding
Come get me
Remove the barriers
Remove all the false truth
Find your emotions
With fear and love
And couple them together
The klippa
Don’t be afraid to peel it
Remove the barrier
The heart is the bridge
A bridging point

The barriers around the heart are false
We can create bridges
Or we can block the heart
That you don’t have space in the world

Vilna gaon: negative side of teva
Oya means to drown
If a person is convinced that the natural world is just nature
You drown in your own existence
If we flip ourselves

A caste of metal
Image on coin is there
Matbea is teva
Hashem is saying the embossed image is you
Tied to me
You will not only not drown
You will connect to source

Hayom levavecha
Bring to earth realm
Special realm
The earth will feel divine

Be brave and bold
I don’t understand my emotion
Work through your emotion
Reconnect back to hashem
Let your heart be an emotional bridge
That’s my freedom on pesach

The willingness to mask the barriers around your heart

Unmask hashem in your heart
Peel away the barriers
I don’t want to be crushed by my fear
Purim katan
Purim mamash
Go shtark
Storm your heart
Tatty I want to be free to serve you
Next 2 months
Be a warrior
Focus on the divine opportunities’

Me: where does nature fit in
Go up to karats
I am to I am pure
You’ll still see hashems nature
Feel more directly the divinity

Relating to the inside part of the bird
The tree
The waves

Lake eerie
I was sitting by the water
And my soul overtook me
The hisorerus was swelling over me
Like all the physical parts of the elements disappeared
Sun radiating the wind
The wind blowing through the water waves
Aish ruach mayim after
I felt ARMA
I was singing intensely
A private beach
In the experience I didn’t think
The unveiling of the elements
I can feel the sun but it wasn’t there
The shaim havaya
In that experience
I prayed so hard
It should never leave me
I can always feel myself there
That awesome experience
Unmasking the physical part of the natural world
The spiritual part of the sun wind water earth
That is inner divinity
To 10 k level
14 k

Rambam says
One way to acquire yiras hashem
Misbonen al hateva
Go into the natural world
And reflect back to the creator
The hand that created it
And the energy that enlivens it

Mother nature through body
Your soul is supposed to relate to it
You will feel the divinity

Inanimate plant, animal
Peering through the veil ,
The spiritual essence
Not getting caught up of the outer appearance
Not the dress your wearing
I don’t want to animate this side
Counterfeit, money, jewelry, people
The knock off reality of the world is so great

Not ignore teva
Not relating to the outer appearance of it
Bring hashem to the natural parts
Feel the divine qualities in the special realm
Reveal the glory kavod of hashem in the world

Our job adar
Alef daled reish

Alef elokus
Dar: dwell

Last month of the year Nissan to last month of the year is adar
Alef dar
Elokus is fully revealed
No true reality other than hashem

Purim – 12 months
Purim is so great we don’t need the issur melacha
To feel the unveilness of nature

You feel ayn od milvado
Sheim havaya pulsating through teva
Then you relate to nature
Not from a drowning place
Just sing
Sing sefira!

Feel inner divinity
Outer appearance less real
It will

Mevakesh shalom: see the inner reality
Imagine if you have special freedom
Feel uplifted
Using the physical things in your life for divine service
That’s what it means to have something
Engage it
Not misappropriate it

As a young person
Felt a drowning sense in the teva world
Till I started to reawaken to relating to myself
The soul literally feels like its drowning
Wants the matbea experience of the coin

Its so brutally painful
It’s a very horrible warped world

Zohar the soul in the body is in imprisonment
Stuck in this flesh
Has to live in there
From conception
And the body has needs, to consume and excrete

Solitary confinement
Make it solitary refinement
From it clothed state to redeemed state

To redeem ourselves from this state
It’s a spiritual imperative
Elevate the Shechinah
And refine this world

Most people do , acquire, plan enjoy, save, retire, wind down and leave
Did you leave you solitary refinement
To an elevated state
We Jews have to live in a different world
To the world of atzilut
And live in the world
Mirror the upper world
The matbea the casting

We don’t live in a natural world
We have to have a relation to space
Not drowning
The soul is feeling that

On Purim
Don’t act like behema

Act in a keter consciousness
To internalize yichud hashem
That is the freedom on pesach
The physical space
The bais hamikdash
The specs were so precise
Experience the Shechinah

It looked like a physical world it was only mapping of the higher world
Hashem wants us to relate to the physical world
Not live in a superficial fake world
We have to break through that
Release the inner elokus
Its daunting
You mamash have to be a warrior
Especially since we are preparing for Geula

Mother nature
An incredible mystique
Ill take the praise
You think you know me
I’m hiding
Tell the shame to go away
I have something to bring to the world
We have to fight for the truth
To reveal his divine unity
Our families
In us

Everything is pulsating havaya
We should be zoche to live this way
Go as far as you can
Take the physical world seriously

Reva Emunah
Esther haMalka 2-15-22
Purim Katan
Relating to GREEN

preparing a greater vessel
Haman/ mordechai and esther
One on the side of shadow / one on the side of light
Shadow is not necessarily bad or evil
Its exile
Not aware that it is running our lives
causes chaos
Depths plus tremendous gifts
Baruch mordecai aror haman
That’s bad my inner self
That’s good my external
Exploring ad shelo yada

The 12th house of adar
The house of unconscious
All things without physical form, dreams
The house of prisons, hospitals, mental institutions

Moshe rabbeinu
Ish neeman
Moshe emet vTorato emet
Haam emunu

Maan / emunah / ha man hu
This is maan

To dissolve into hashem
Psychic ability
Fish swimming in the water
Dissolution of borders

Deep shadow pisces
The hesder she betoch ha hesder
The shadow we don’t know we have
Ask hashem to begin to reveal to you the shadow in yourself
That you don’t know you have
A surrender into hashems timing

Shvat tzadi of month of shvat
Kuf with the month of adar
Ketz end of times
Kotz: the type of tree haman was hung on
Also thorn

This is the last contractions
Ari: this is the pattern
the last contractions before transformation
Venahafach hu
What you thought was your friend may be your enemy
Vice versa

Geula is about being turned inside out
What was hidden is now revealed
About our unconscious believes
Our hidden fears and desires
Part of the shadow
The house that holds self sabotage

Remove haman out of a person
Into an energy that lives within each one of us

The self sabotaging part of self
The secrets in our lives

What planets in the 12the house
The final karma
Nissan head
The organ is the spleen
Body part is the feet
A primordial human being
A tree of life

Ikva d mashicha
The heels of the mashiach
This is the end
Whatever we didn’t fix
It gets stored away in this house of karma
This year 2 months

The shulchan orach
Good time for a court case

Yin yang
The extreme state
Is a hairs breath away
From the opposite polarized state

Purim katan
Is purim on the level of kadosh
Next purim is on the level of kodesh hakadoshim
Hearts opening today on the level of kadosh
Ie. The room where the parochet is, that’s today
Purim gadol: the borders have been lovingly breached to the kodesh hakadoshim

The false self falls away
Anything that had kept us away from Hashem

The 12 months
3 3 3 3
North south east west
Levi in middle
Inside levi is the camp of the shechina
Levi doesn’t have a nachala kohanim and leviim
They don’t really exist in time and space
They are supported through chesed
The rebbe speaks about adar alef of a month that doesn’t really exist

This is the 13th month
The real adar is the adar Bet
We are in a month above space and time
That’s why miracles are so available
Adar 1 shouldn’t exist
13th month Reva thinks its shevet Levi
Haman didn’t understand this

Fear of going crazy
Rav ginsburgh
Dealing with 3 animals; 3 primary fears
On the level of the body, WOLF zev
The fallen wolf: a fear, realization of sexual victimization
Not just sexual
Even one penetrating another without permission
Totally disregarding borders

the rectified energy of binyamon

The lion: the emotional body
the unrectified version
Yerushalayim: Ariel
Parts of the psyche; duality hidden in shadow and when its used in elevation

Adar is both the end, but before aries, very primal primitive energies
Primordial: deep fears and beliefs in our psyche
Ki tisah the golden calf
How am I going to pay my bills. Are you a Gd who can give me a home and food

2 adars
Leviim and cohanim

Megillilat esther
Reveal hide
I will reveal I will hide
Like birth

Reveal / hide

The megilla is folded and stacked
Hidden revealed hidden revealed
Folded this way that way

The snake is the tribe of Dan
One hand nachash in gan eden
On the other nashson ben aminadav
Rectified snake energy


Energy in and of itself just is
It forms our beliefs and thoughts

In and of itself its just energy
One of the energies we are dealing with

Ie the color green
Just is

The root energy of the color green
The easiest color for the human eye to see
Parve neutral energy
How this green is made up of
Yud resh kuf
Asher karcha bderech

Hamaan is min ha etz
In the torah ha min ha etz
Did you allow this consciousness to affect you
Did you eat from this tree
The tree of duality
The tree of separation
Me: himmelfarb mountain color
Its my separation of consciousness
The balloon flying away
Soul escaping

Being empty as an open vessel
Being empty in a nihalistic way

Im empty theres no life
Or im empty: ready to receive

Where you end up

Lets start with

Feel the emptiness of despair, hopeless ness
And availability of presence
Its so subtle but everything

Coincidence, chaos, Casualize; its all random and chaotic
I just happened to run into them
Sucked hashgacha pratis out of it
Opposite of intentionality
We chose connection

All energy is chaotic
Fear comes up
Creates suffering and loss
Nothing means anything
Its just suffering
A particular type of pain in the mind

Hashem was upset with us in the midbar
We served hashem without intentionality
So now I have to make a bracha
So I did it
The opposite of your my beloved
I cant wait to be with you
It all matters

Remember what amalek did to you

It introduces a cold ness
A cynicism
Happy is the man who doesn’t sit in the company of laytzanim
To devalue everything
To suck out the meaning and make it cold and lacking in emotion
Rabbeinu says there a level of consciousness
A place where we go to
Theres a Hell of fire a hell of ice

Korach / kerach
Rebellion / ice
Energies of the left side
Judgement / fear
The shadow of the left
Good: borders

KERI קרי
A deep Desensitization to the value of life / of liquid life force
A total lack of sensitivity about the preciousness of life
Its just pain and suffering and then you die
Just being alive is a precious miraculous gift

ROK רוק
green bile in the body
Bile rises bitter
Filled with bile: bitter
It also means to spit
Rabbi nachman talks about
How these energies swallow
Trapped on the inside
The negativity forced to vomit out and give it back
Negativity feeds off of goodness
Particularly whenever the goodness is in an extremely unprotective state
Think of it as a charge
Positive charge: light
Negative charge: grabbing

Negaitivity consuming the positivity
A picture of the fruit
Soft on the inside
Hard and prickly on the outside
Double purpose
Looks like its hiding the light
But its protecting

By getting drunk
From that which we think was attacking us
Was protecting us till we are ready to transform

Kinah / jealousy (not really the same root)
Being GREEN with envy
An absence of health

Esther was green
She embodied the quality of greenness
Gemara of megilla yud gimel alef

Chut shel chesed
Shes green and theres a line of chesed that is drawn down upon her
A kabbalistic principle
The kav hayarok
Rectifying the lights of tohu
Esther is yerakreket

Zohar: part 2, page 277
Esther was green
green like an etrog

Green is a spectrum of green yellow
Yerokreket: on the spectrum of green yellow

Gemarah megilla: esther lo aruka v lo tzara haita elea benonit
Esther was not too tall not too short medium sized like a hadassa:
And her name was hadassa
Like youre julie and yehudit

Shes green
Whats the quality of greenness
Middle column
Tiferet balance

Its green according to the RAMAK
tiferet is greenish yellow

Noset chein
She carried grace
The 50th gate

The plant received the light of the sun
Turns to energy
And reflects back
Takes all the colors from the sun
Reflects GREEN
The returning light

She’s a reflector and a mirror
Shes so empty of the ego self
Anyone who sees her
They fall in love in themselves
They fall in love with Gd

Achashverosh falls in love with himself
Virgins from his 127 provinces (reference to sarah imeinu)
In the middle of the beauty contest
Is she 40 is she 70
This is the inner light, reflecting outwardly
Her body is illuminated by an infinite light called chein
Illuminating her from the inside out
He stops the whole beauty pagent
And says HER
Its ended
He immediately falls in love with her
Game over

The mekubalim say hes meeting hashem for the first time

The background for photographers is the green screen!

4 parts together maamer
Hadassim the EYES
For Friday night and havdalah
Shes somehow has a deep connection to sukkot

She was a mirror
Besamim on hadassim
Smell is only one of the 5 senses not infected with the energy of the nachash
Connecting us to our neshama

Esther karkar  olam hayita kuf resh kuf resh

Keyadudim yahita…

Opposite of keri wasted spilled
To be infinitely valuable and worthy

Havdalah and end of megilla
A meditaion on a unconsios, conscious and super conscious leve
Orah , simcha, sason and YOKER: get connected to my life force

A meditation a closing chant at the end of the mgillah reading

Green is bina
What is bina?

Green is the light of teshuva

Expansion, grow
Connected to HEARING shmiya

Bina is green
Left side, nukva, future, receiving, rectified receiving (birthing)
To grow and to build livnot
The faculty of inner deep listening and taking it in : lishma
Kav ha emtzai
Middle column
Mordecai is blue
Techelet mordechi
Sky blue with ore ain sof (golden whitish)

Mordecai went looking everywhere for a nursemaid for eshter
Avichail was mordecais uncle
Mordecai goes looking for someone to nurse her
He couldn’t find anyone
So he nursed her himself

Hes nursing her
Hes blue
Hes sustaining her
Blue plus light yellow makes green
Hes cultivating green in her: compassion rachamim
As connected to primal womb energy
Not from the side of chaos
Where it feels protected nurtured
Primordial energy of primal fears: fear of rape, murder, death
The primal rememberance of the underlining compassion patience gentleness of holding everything

She is an orphan
A cold terrible world
Theres always protection

Download: patience

Balance masculine feminine energy

Her father / uncle / mother is the same energy
He nurses her
And marries her

Masculine and feminine
That’s how shes green
Every color matters
Every color is a sefira
A part of our psyche
The are all refracted
On purim we are putting the people back together again
In the parsha
The vessel shattered
Blue and red become PURPLE the colors of the mishkan
Am segula: a nation of purpleness

All life is YERECH
Medaber, speakers, inanimate
Letters in the same part of mouth are interchangeable
Tzomeah: life force vegetative life yerek and sameach

The kav ha yarok
The green energy line
Radak the kav
That came into the primordial space
Is the aurora borealis
The primordial lights

The solar wind – not the light from the sun
The magnetic field forces from tiferet
Polarize from north tohu aurora borealis
South pole is something else
South is chesed positive charge
North is negative charge is malchut

Cold response is deep fear
Primordial fear
A trauma response
Or disconnection
Arm bent too long
Circulation got cut off

Download: covid fear ; cut off from source
The last one
Differnce between bilaam and moshe
How they connected to hashem

With the little alef
Bayikar with ONE

You are valuable worthy
The one is intentially calling to you

With bilaam it was casual
By accident, random, casual friend
Shechina is calling you to your holiest inner space Moshe
Moshe had to separate from tziporah
In a state of intentional preparation to be with Hashem

Double energies of the 2 fish of pisces
Opposite direction: unity harmony, compassion, integreation
Other: coldness, separation
Download: racel, covid, separation

Deep shadow side pisces lights without vessels
We want lights within vessels

Hashem tells moshe if you serve me in a casual way
If you casualize me
However if you treat me with reverence I will reveal to you your inhernt value
Not of doing
But of being

Kuf the letter of adar: 2 sides
The kuf of the monkey mind
Or the kuf of the mindful mind holy mind
Kuf of kedusha

It takes place through shevet benyamin
Reva is ribui ohr
Lets ground it
Usually the degree to which someone is cruel cold and cynacle
Is to the degree of their disappointed hope of connection of love an hope

We mean
The same energy but turned on itself on the side of amalek
The disappointed hope of love, compassion
When a person reaches disappointment, it turns on the person

The roots of amalek
Timna, se’ers daughter same way
Hagar, and bitya paros daughters
They were willing to be maid servant of avraham
In service
Than be a princess in the house of lies
About prey and predator and power struggles
Avraham, yitzchak and yakov rejected her
The energy of rejection
Our desire for love has been thwarted
Has been turned inside out to the BULLY energy
So timna ends up with elifaz (esav’s son)
Who is elifaz? The son that esav send to run after yakov to kill him after the bracha debacle
He takes off his clothes
as if he’s dead
he still has good in him bc yitzchak raised him
He is connection to light

Yitzchak is the energy of laughter
Not taking ourselves too seriously
Our lives are set up as a joke
Hes feeding from the energy of laughter
However, timna ends up being the concubine
Amalek energy
To her son, elifaz, her son
Elifaz is esavs son
She has an illigitamate son, se’er
she herself is an illegitimate daughter
That’s why the avot rejected her
Not wanting this energy connected to am yisrael
Concubine to her own son, elifaz
The highest light and deepest darkness
They have a son named amalek
Amalek is not raised by yitzchak
Raised by Esav
Elifaz had connection to wholeness
Amalek is raised by esav
He teaches him
All you suffering is because of yakov
They didn’t want  you
Not people
Parts of psyche
Our own inner sabotager
Our own experience
The very seeds of left
Isolation, abandonment
Whenever we come those experiences
Cynacism, coldness, meaninglessness, doesn’t matter pishposh
Ha hman hae etz hazeh

Keri spilled seed opposite of yikar: the value of every life, breath, every minute
The value of LIFE the intrinsic joy of being offered the next breath
The condition is to receive life in any form
Its life in any form

Like playing the villain but you get to be in the play
To elevate it to fun
Download: like making the sign for the prom

Pleasure that’s very subtle but elevated

Because of their dissapointed love
Becomes its POWER vs love
Love diminishes you
Love makes you weak
All is random
There are many forces not just one force
No boundaries or borders
It all means nothing.
It only has value is WHAT DOES it give to me
Narcisism it’s a disease
Not able to see the other
Because they were deeply wounded so theye are in survival mode

Reikanut emptiess
Esther is rectified tohu energy
Imaginaiton, creative energy
The same energy but using it in service of

Kedusha , hashem is in control
Foundation of tikkun
Borders create intimacy
Beyond the limits of cause and effect
An energy where everything is valuable
Hashem is behind and in and present

The different trees
Remak: green to be zer anpin
Rachamim energy

My rebbi is the ikkar to shout out good purim
Can open the gate for any lack they have
Drawing the energy beyond award and punishment
To all goodness
Mamash you mean it
Limiting beliefs, burst through these limitation
Love and healing
Living life on a level of our deepest dreams
May we all be able to empty ourselves of what we think we know
Open up from that place of letting go


For more info on joining online classes: kavconnect@gmail.com