Pesach Light


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Restoring Voice & Emunah on Pesach:
A Quantum Leap

Nisan 3 April 4 2022

* Defining we really want Through the cleaning

* Truth from the middle column פה סח

* Restoring voice

* My ability to receive and let goodness into my life

* Seder: An energetic place above names

*QUANTUM leaps Dream it ! That’s as much as can come in

* The return to the WOMB ENERGY

* Eat the matza with intentionality; Is restoring you to your true self

*Invite your rebellious child ... all your parts to the seder

* Hashem's leaps and bounds; And I will pass over

* Rabbeiunu: The beginning of healing is to give it a voice

* We couldn’t hear Moshe because of kotzer Ruach

* You can hear Hashem If you lengthen the breath.

Hilchot likutei aravit halacha 4 :17

Restoring our emunah
Defining we really want
Through the cleaning

Showing up and saying
I’m willing to change
Hashem has endless light
We resist changing because its frightening

Recovering your true voice
Giving expression to your true voice

פה סח
Truth from the middle column
Something true
May be temporarily painful

The aim and intension
Is to restore flow
There may be some painful moments

Restoring voice

Before any renewal process
Begin with dveikut
Plugging into the light
Its on kochi otzem yadi
It allow me to have a relaxed body and mind

Fixing in nisan : Malchut
My ability to receive and let goodness into my life
Shir ha shirim on pesach; this is our building of our love story

Moving things around in our home
In elul its on the level of consciousness

Tishrei / nisan
First im going to gift you with the feeling of unity

Even if youre on the 49th level of stuckness and self loathing

The energetic map is the same this time of year
What comes before counting
Perfect unity
The experience of harmony
The experience of being loved and protected
Hashem wants it so technicolor

We don’t say shema leil seder
We only say hallel when the entire nation was endangered and we were saved

Sham hu lemala
To be bathed in the energy above the sefirot
The unified oneness
Above keter
The ohr ein sof
An experience when you don’t have to force this love in any way

The only thing you have to do
Is get out of the way

Here is a mini psycho drama
Where you can pretend
Its happening and I will give it to you

An energetic place above names
Above names
Seder night
The only limit is how big can you open your vessel

Free your voice
The kabbalists teach it as
Dream it
That’s as much as can come in

Last week we were sitting here freezing
Now we are basking in the hot sun
That’s how fast your life can changes

Meditating something that doesn’t have an answer

Before one
What do you count?

The return to the WOMB ENERGY

Al kein ee efshar
This is one of the reasons
Leil haseder is one night
So much goodness
If we stay there we we will disappear
It’s about ratzo v shov

Sefirat haomer
The light will bring our resistance to the light

Rabbeinu says
We have this pesach night
Then we bring the light into the vessel

Now its about bringing light into the vessel
How we show up in life

Pesach light
Let it pour down
Eat the matza with intentionality
Every bite
Is restoring you to your true self

Who is the bincha
Talk to your own child
Bring your child to the table
Where one bite of matza can bring magic

Bring mochin d katnut
The wonder
Oh tell me about that

Bring your rebellious child
Inviting all these parts to the seder

Vaz rishimu …
You actually get the most light
Not in that peak moment
We swim in it and soak in it
We tofes
From the rishimu
Of the experience

Constantly wean us away from peak experiences
We think these are the most love
And outside this, there’s is distance
A tapestry
Woof and warp
This way and that way

So tired
Idea is to prepare
Rav Carlebach
Learn learn learn
When you show up
Through everything away
Seder night is about grace
Its more than you prepared for

Who are you sitting next to
Across you
Your soul where you end up
Your soul contracted with

You contracted with on rosh hashana
To get our of RoshHashana together!

Its not in the peak moment
But what you’re left with
Is the great gift

From the mochin d katnut
To the mochin dgadlus

Its yummy to come back from the peak experiences

The compassion
And the 13 energy flows of rachamim
Flow up not from the peak moment
But the shov
That’s applied light

The 13 middot
The source is
When we take as much light as we can
And we let go
Let it flow through you
Because you are just as safe on the return as the elevation

The applied light
Because its about sharing
Its no just me blasting out of my body

When you have these pesach experiences
And pesach morning
You begin to bring it into your self
Your family members
The conversation with your body
Take all the light
And take it to spreading love
It begins to sweeting all the experiences

Letting the love change
Then the reality around you start to change

Hashems leaps and bounds
And I will pass over

Before your face all your goodness
We suck
It was delicious

Then how do I share that

Then we meet up with chesed she bchesed
Through my whole right arm
My desire to give to others

Vyavo al hashem al panav
Hashems full spectrum of goodness
Passes over our face
Let it touch your insides
Don’t be shy
Ask for every healing that you need on pesach night
The entire month is about healing
Let my heart, children, russia be healed

Let the light in
And pray we are all be ready to change

The first bite of matzah
The bread of healing

These are the rays of lights of the dawn of this revelation

Nisan iIyar and sivan
Are one journey

One journey
Of preparing for revelation
The whole point of this journey is Har Sinai

What does this mean?
To have a direct experience of YOUR OWN LIGHT
Its not Gd out there
Its Gd in you
And then out there
It’s a process

When you show up
Don’t be surprise if you’re on the 49th level
The wine starts to open up our consciousness
I’m not having this high experience
Wherever you are

She over al panav

The month of Nissan
And the redemption
Chumash shmot

Vayomer YKVH
Connected to the heart
Our middot

Middos are not limited to character traits
Our desires / triggers / old stories
All the pain that is keeping our heart blocked and stuck
The experience of galut
Squishing down our heart

Isolation / disconnection
The whole geula story
For the first time since gan eden
Hashem is taking the stage
Underlying is compassion
so sensitive
The deep receptive listening to what its
Listening to what is
Not try to shut it up or force it

Vayomer ykvk
Vet tzaakatam shamati
I have heard their cry
Geula begins by the tiniest movement

First step to be take out
Open up your vessel to a personal experience with the light

It begins with
Their tzaaka
Hashem says Ive heard
The beginning of healing is to give it a voice

Ie. I want to make aliya
Sound whatever your heart is feeling

Sometimes there’s a disconnection
The talking makes it worse
What’s in this space

I’ve heard their cry

Par’o is the same as haoref
The neck and the throat

The may tzarim
The 2 sides of through

The area before you want to cry

The birth canal
The upper and lower body are just mirrors
So I tell women
If you close your mouth you are closing your birth canal

Mey tzarim
Throat constricted
Perek gimel chet

And now
The cry has activated
I am ready for change
Hashem is respectful
He doesn’t push change

I’ve also seen this lachatz
Vyomer elokim el moshe

What energy will do this
To a new revelation of Gd
Ekiye she ekiye
Allow what ever will happen
Allow it to be what it needs to be

The throat connects the heart and mind
And allows us to speak where the intention is coming through the words

I can say Baruch Hashem
And our heart doesn’t feel that truth

Get in touch with the bitterness
The first half of the seder
We are inviting the maror to the seder

Perek daled pasuk alef

They are not going to believe me
They will not listen to my voice
Because they’re going to say to me
There is no such thing as a compassionate Gd

Good point Moshe
If they wont believe you
If we don’t EHIYA
You’re right
Then the will hear the voice of the first sign
And then the second sign

Will allow movement
You have the wrong guy

My master
I am not a man of words
Not yesterday
Or the day before yesterday
It is not my gift
Kaved peh
I myself am stuck
I know how to be up here
But I don’t know how to be a connector of your light into this world

The voice of compassion
Who gave you your mouth
Who blocks every opening
You think you did it
Who makes you to see until

Want you to see
Its it not coming with compassion and love
I will guide you and teach you how to talk

And he spoke to him
It will be you and Aron
Netzach and hod
In your mouth and his mouth

Lamed alef
Then they were finally able to hear
What is this compassion Gd that I should listen to His voice

I know power might dominion

Me kotzer ruach
Moshe gives us this message
We are in trauma response
We are in fight flight or freeze


Hilchot Pesach. Halacha 3
We couldn’t hear Moshe because of kotzer Ruach
You can hear Hashem If you lengthen the breath.
The ה

As soon as the sounded a moan it was the beginning of surrender.
I can’t hold this anymore.
It’s already
A surrender
Allowing movement. The first contraction.
The deeper breath the more Chiut
         Hashem gives us life with Ruach

Begin with genuhei / groan
Hanacha is a release

Through this groaning. Arichat haruach
Physically lengthening your breath sends your body more oxygen
Your brain gets more oxygen

Daas is tge nervous system
Arich anpin is keter
Has a connection with Daas

This is how Hashem brought Adam to life

Bechinat erech apaim
Lengthening your nose

Through this we send life force into our lack

The physical lack was the red blood cells not oxygenating.
Kotzer Ruach is limiting Hashem

There are 2 physical parts
And birth canal
Mouth has the makor
Mirror images of the birth canal.

To be called a human being is
A medaber
Creating through speech

Earthy shares this place with the animals
Animals don’t have medaber
The level of BECHIRA around speech

Through Nisan and the Seder
Reattaching heart and speak
By opening up the throat

Purifying the heart
Unification of the heart
Sefirot is like a traffic center
All make contact with tiferet

We are the living embodiment of zaar
The harmonious heart


The tikkun of Malchus
Arich anpin!!!!

Slow it down
Length of nose
What does it feel like as it enters your nostril
And goes behind your eyes and
Fill your skull

Mateh vlo Mateh
Presence but not overbearing
She adjusts her wing distance
The eagle holding over the offspring.
I hold my children.
Kavanot and meditation
On the first bite of matzah

Nissan / Tazria: Circle Consciousness Mar 29, 2022Learn about
:* Diagnosing and healing spiritual imbalances* What do we need healing from? What is stuck?* The right leg is the quality of quantum healing

* The big RESET: Hashem is leaping over mountains

* Skin is Malchut

* Voice is the expression of the infinite light coming into you

* We start in Nissan like a newborn baby
* Depending on your own state of balanced energy; Is what is available to you to help other people

The beginning of spring is practicing renewal; Until nature is strong enough to contain it

* Leil haSeder / Leil Shimorim

* Malchut peh: What you are praying for?

* Alef will  give you a tiny roadmap of relationship

* Mitzamtzem: Matzah cures the blocks

* By eating matzah we fix the dissonance

* Leil shimurim lHashem - a night that has been set aside from the beginning of all time

* Pagam haDaat: If someone knows something but they keep doing it


Nissan Notes 3-29-22
We are like babies
Stuck in the 49th level energetically
Stuck in old memories and beliefs
The Gemara says someone in jail cannot pull themselves out of jail

What is higher then that can help us?
Then we get to the circle consciousness
Of creativity
We offer help and support till the whole system comes into equilibrium and balance

Pre pesach
What do we need healing from?
Get honest
what is stuck?

The Matzah will
Work itself through my body
And heal

Mother remedy
2 ways :
1. pick and treat every symptom
Time consuming
2. What is the core / main energetic problem in the wiring?
But is really all being held in one belief about myself
Everything else just about the core erroneous belief
Matzah can heal the core
Because something is fundamentally unhealedTazriaDiagnosing and healing spiritual imbalances
On the walls
On my stuff
Because they are
Just a manifestation of what’s going on in my mind

the moment when a baby is conceived: the room and feeling has a direct hashpaa on the garments of the soul of the child
That the soul will have to create in the world
Outer space reflecting inner space

On the walls it would show up as red or green
On the skin it showed up as white or dark pinkSkin is MalchutMalchut
besides being birthing canal
Malchut is the skin
Because once something is seen on the skin
Its already gone through a process that it is
almost totally healed

When its in the organs
The person doesn’t know that the disharmony is screaming inside
The more the conditions of disharmony builds
It goes from inner to outer

The skin
Shows that release is on the way

Its our skin and our voice
Kuf vav lamed קול

We express our voice in 3 ways:
1) Silence (holding back)
2) Speech
3) Song

Voice is the expression of the infinite light coming into you
Bouncing off of you (like sound waves)
Letting it touch you
And birthing it outwards

Your voice
If you know how to listen to someone
You don’t have to say words

You can hear
Not only with your physical hands

Moshe Rabbeinu
Hands high with Amalek

Healing malchut
We begin with dilarusa dleeila
We start in Nissan like a newborn baby
Needing time to rest
And be believed in
A baby first needs to receive
It needs to rest from the past cycle

Getting ready to elevate a whole other cycle
Its going up
We elevate by ratzo vshov

Nisan becomes a Rosh Chodesh of Kings
Wink wink…
We are all kings and queens
Rosh Chodesh of malchut

Transitioning from slavery
The 49th level of tuma

We are all carrying not only our own soul
But each one of us has energetic wiring that feeds energy from other souls
And we receive energy from energies from tzaddikim
Healing and strength to have strong energy
From the source light bulb
Who is never depleted

Depending on your own state of balanced energy
Is what is available to you to help other people

If you are in positive relationship energy
You can help them

When you have it
You can help other people

Like jumper cables to a car
It doesn’t drain the source car
We can get drained from other human beings
We haven’t learned to source and resource

Every rosh Chodesh its possible to get huge downloads of energy
Im an ani li mi le

It’s the oxygen mask on the plane
As strong as we are, we can be available to others

Love doesn’t mean to deplete ourselves
Now we are healing and maturing

We think we know who we are influences
But Rabbeinu teaches us
There’s a web of connectivity

Plants communicate underground and by air
We are not aware how far-reaching our influences are

When I’m in a constricted space of Mitzrayim
I believe that when I’m in my self destructive place
An illusion I can self destruct and it doesn’t have a energetic ripple effect
Energetic space

Lets elevate it
How powerful it is
For every choice
The ripple effect of that one little choice
When I eat this healthy thing
Effects a guy in Thailand

Critical mass
No energy is ever lost
Its all being woven into the song
Until the song has enough strength
In Nisan

How does a person get sick
It’s a choice
And another choice and another

We are always building conditions
We don’t notice until enough has been built
Hashem does us a favor sometimes
And reflects to us we are on the wrong path
Psst. I don’t think so. Don’t turn down there ;)

The buildup of positive conditions is what we call geula
When enough positive conditions have accumulated
That’s what we call BIRTH
We’ve worked with the contractions
The rise and fall
Even though we don’t see it with our eyes yet

Hashem is so wonderful
It happens in nature
Spring doesn’t just happen
I think spring is here
Just kidding
Its snowing
Practicing renewal
Until nature is strong enough to contain it

I’m ready to change
I can hold the change

What happens when we get so tired?
Mommy steps in
When baby backs into a corner
This is Nissan
Leil haseder
Leil Shimorim

We are newborn baby
We don’t have to say kriat shema
Its Hashem in his essence
That is holding us with such love

The night
me Hashem
Will watch over you!
Start now
Make a machberet / notebook
Go big
As unlimited as you can
Ask and ask and ask
Get out of jail free

Malchut peh
What you are praying for?
With the honesty you are asking for

I’m willing to settle
Malchut peh
The redemption of speech
On the seder night

It happens of multiple systems

Different healings different months
We get the energy of healing
But this is a new born baby
What we are asking is what we really want
Let it out of galus

Sometimes we are asking about a specific story
We are asking for something much bigger

A map of the experience of galut and geula
The most simple way to experiencing galut
The stuckness of flow
Is a relationship stuck
Relationship to my own body
When I breath do I feel constricted in certain places

A woman who cant look in the mirror
She gained weight
You are not lovable
You are not allowed in the room
You are not allowed in my heart
You are not allowed in my acceptance

Being disconnected from a relationship with self
Are there relationships you cannot think about?

Galut is being in the midbar and going around it circles
Its like the needle on the record player
Skipping the same spot

Energy trapped
Something in the energy recycling
This is the experience of galut

Maybe in our body
In our middos
Our emotions connected to an impulse that is a trigger
And gets stuck there

When I think of a person
My body goes into galus
Effecting the flow of renewal release
New energy coming in
Not ready for me to access

Sometimes it has to get bad enough
To say I’m willing to change
We would rather be stuck in galus
Than change

GALUT the word
Gal a wave

A familiar wave
Doing it again and again and its where it gets stuck
A belief
Anything a good thought comes it
It gets filtered through the belief

Atika kadishim
Ancient holy one

Atik yomim higher
Hashem is so patient with our elevation
Awakening of consciousness

We know
We were on the 49th level of consciousness

When we completely failed
That’s when geula starts!

Same word as GALUT same letters except geula has an alef

Torah vav likutei moharan
Yud on top yud on bottom
Plus vav
Concentrated remedy of yud key vav key

When stuck energy cycles
Alef enters the space
Yud key vav key
Opens the energy pathways
Breath is allowed in

Flow and connection is restored
What comes into the space
Rachamim compassion
Compassionate acceptance
That I deem unlovable and unforgivable

Allows the movement
When there’s movement healing can begin
Something bigger than me and patterns
Bigger than stuck beliefs
Allow things to get unknotted

The same alef showing up
AZ yashir
Alef of one more tefilla
I will sing
Moshe rabbeinu 516 th tefilla that unlocks geula

Alef will give you a tiny roadmap of relationship

Yud on top masculine
Yud on bottom is feminine
The vav is the new pathway that allows for new relationship to begin
The middle way

The path of soul mating
Kriat yamsuf

Infinite and the finite connection
The alef

Final HEY
The redemption of the voice
From the place of geula
The intentionality of our heart and our expression is aligned in a true way

To Hashem
I am praying and hiding certain part of myself
Bring intentionality

Lifting the woman from the dust
Bringing her home
The lost Princess
What does that mean
Searching our true authentic self

It’s a story not only about women
But human beings

In search for the harmony between us

The right leg
The quality of quantum healing
Shir Hashirim
The quality of healing available in this month

Kodesh kedoshim
Specific healing
On the level of ish and isha

This right leg having the jumping quality
Hashem is doing this
Kol dodi dofek
Hashem is leaping over mountains
To restore hope
The big RESET
We love each other
We believe in each other
We lost sight of each other
Lets take a step back and remember how much we love each other
And how we chose each other to begin with

Its so much deeper that that
Its leaping and running to support each other

Quantum leaping
Not step by step
This therapy,
No we are on the 49th level
I’ve tried everything
The retreats the massages
Its my relationship with the source of love and light to share that

Mekabel al manat lhashpia
Part 2 preparing for pesach
26 adar bet

What is speech
But energy intention that can build up and pierce the veils – old ideas
A bow and arrow
With my intention
With the force of my will behind that
I can send something out that can penetrate
Devarim min ha lev
Words that flow from intention
From the LEV tiferet
The intension is harmony and peace
And it should send that out
Your words, your emotional body

What can you heal and realign
Like a magical arrow
Devarim sheyotzim me halev
Will enter into the heart soul
Center of resonance with the other
Mipoel peulata

We are communicating all the time
On a conscious level
What are you communicating unconsciously
Are you aware of the unconscious intensions

The sub conscious , conscious and super consciousness is aligned

Torah shbichtav
Its mind to mind

Every level is a vessel to receive light from her husband
Every time they’re together
Theres light
Its held in a lamp of every letter of you Ketuba
Its mind to mind
Is masculine
The energy of the authors mind is encapsulated into these letter
When you read anything
You are nursing from that persons thought system

Torah shel baal peh

From mouth to mouth

When your touching someone
Their energy gets transmitted
A consciousness that we are always receiving

Matzah is healing for the poisons
Flows of energy that have effected us
The output and input

General immune system cleanse
The lechem Emunah
Vibrational emunah
Mothers milk
Not puffy / false
No agenda
Doesn’t cost you your authentic self
Its restorative
It’s an elixir of life
Flour and water
18 minutes until it is Activated

Is to limit
Matzah cures the blocks

What am I doing in this life
Matzah, tzim tzum
To get to the core of the reality
The core truth

The 2 types of communication
Through the written word and spoken word

Black fire / White fire

The Torah is written by both
Verbal communication
Is restoring flow through sound wave

Torah she bichtav
Connected to masculine
Receiving consciousness and information through what you see

Shebaal peh
Receiving consciousness through what you hear

By hearing its receptivity
Imagine touching someone and listening
Slightest shift in breath
Something activated through you!! In their body

Can listen through felt sense
Tingling twisting

Now something is happening on pesach
What is getting taken out of galut
Is the power of sound waves
To reach our dreams

To heal the gaps

Pagam hadaat
Is someone knows something but they keep doing it
I.e.: smoking
What happens in the space between knowing and choosing
We cant apply why we know.
Cognitive dissonance PAGAM HADAAT
Not harmoniously connected
What we are praying for and what we really are thinking

Yishuv hadaat
2 major love languages hashem communicates
Mind / sight / light

Sound waves
Travel through the left hemisphere of the brain
Bina liba
You are listening with more than just your physical ears
You are listening to the niggun of their soul, their energy

How do I fix the dissonance?
By eating matzah

The awareness by being on the 49th level
We are given formulas
Hashem keeps telling us
ANI and lo malach

This level of being able to live heaven on earth
Balanced masculine and feminine
It’s a tall order
Of course you don’t know how to do it
I’m giving you the cliff notes in Torah

1 acknowledging the disconnect
2 knowledge will come in

2 pehs
Shel baal peh and michtav

The heart is on the left side!!!!!!
Bina is on the left side
The intuitive knowing

There’s this repeated idea
This happens on quantum levels
We are Gifted with it having being healed already
No disconnection
Leil shimurim

Erev pesach
49th level
I feel completely cut off from my true self
Quantum healing
That I couldn’t do with all my efforts
Formulas, shiurim
Ani and Lo Malach
Hashem is stepping in and doing for you which you have not been able to solve
How do we do it comes in Iyar

We are not ready for the manual
Literally its SAVE ME. Help me.
I’ve made a mess of my life
Help me become something new / and old at the same time

Bnei Yissachar:
Hashem wants to give us the feeling of quantum healing / being rescued
Working hard for it

A time of gifted infant
A time for earning the delight of working for consciousness: adolescence
First we have to know there’s an underlying love
In Iyar we do the work
Whatever makes it worth the work?
The delight; we have to have that restored!

At the gates
Megilat Esther
Wheres the first time the mention of Nissan
Esther fasts
Esthers petitions
Haman and his sons were hung

Naddada shnat hamelech
Is the month of revealed miracles

Adar Nissim are hidden in cause and affect
There’s a force greater than statistics
The month
That hashem sets aside
Its in the master plan
That there must be a possibility of resetting
If there’s a build up of conditions
How do we get back
Shabbos =Yishuv hadas: “Mikvah it out over Shabbos!”
All of these things are an energetic reset and release

This isn’t an afterthought
Like mikvah
Knowing as human beings
We need energies that can move stuckness
We need access to magical levels of healing
Starting over

Everything we have learned does not get lost
You get to start over and keep all the wisdom

Leil shimurim lHashem…
This is a night that has been set aside from the beginning of all time
Where hashem steps in…
Hashem says
My babies are in trouble
They have backed themselves into a corner
And I need to step in

Bgeula haatida
The energetic capability
If we can step into it
We we can reset in every life time
Where do we get these magic ideas from

How do we get this consciousness of healing
Leil haseder does it

Why all the names of months are Babylonian
But really they were part of Torah shel Baal Peh
I translate into your language
If its not your love language – I find the way it can heal you: TARGUM

Hachodesh hazeh.. she tikan she nes
Even though it’s a Babylonian name NES NISSAN
The direction of energies, kavanot
NES kavanato Ad-ni
Adoni feminine
Ma- koach ma
Referring to Torah shel bktav and baal peh

Nissan from ness / Peleh
Wonderous is NES

Level of peleh wonder
We call it a nes

Peh lamed alef
You get the word alef flip it
Pehleh and alef is the same energy

Alef is to go back to the beginning
To start over
On a higher level
With more consciousness

Hashem sets a reset button
Beyond our human capabilities
Like shem birthing a baby through us
We cant cause the contractions
As they are surging
We can resist them
We can work with them

Brachos daled lamed bet
Why didn’t Dovid use the nun in Ashrei?
Because theres a reference to Nefila/ falling
Of being brought down
Somech hashem noflim
In the next passuk
Hashem lifts up those who have fallen
A reference to the nun

NUN is a reference to falling
Nun is chamishim 50 levels of consciousness
It has the double edge
50 levels of consciousness
50 levels of falling out of consciousness

The awareness of the affect of our thinking
And we fall out of it
The ratzo vshov

There’s a circle
Something bigger than our falls
The ohr hamakif
That’s bigger than our fall

Somech hashem hanoflim

Vnimtza … mafra
Lifting the fallen from the dust
Elevating the Shechinah
Our communities
When we fall into our lowest ways of connecting
Don’t worry
Because over the mountaintops
Here comes Hashem to save the day!!!

Zeh tevat ness
How low we can fall with the level of support that is offered
Is truly wonderous

Yeshua vgedula
With the offers of Hashem to be released

Hinei ha chodesh hazeh…
This month has been set aside to lift the Shechinah from the dust
To elevate physical reality
The feminine
Our lowest states of consciousness
To pick them up from the dust

Not only the Shechinah
The fruit,
Our choices

Our children, fruits of unconscious choices
Don’t worry
Help is on the way
Habanim smeicha
I will restore the mother
The hakeret habayit
With all her children

I will bring it all back to elevation
On the chodesh Nissan
Miraculous ability to undo the things we fell in
nefila tzorech aliya

Reb Shlomo wrote in minor keys
for Resonance
And every once in a while he would move from minor to major

Sometimes he would compose a niggun in major
Kol mevaser mevaser vomer
Bringing the new message
A play on words
Kol me basar
There will be a voice from the flesh
From within us
Gives us messages of renewal and health
Your help is on the way



Suggested Sponsorship $50 / $100 / $200
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is a mystic, seeker, poet and dreamer. Her passion is for intimacy and living authentically, vulnerably, and dynamically. She is an Ima, a Torah student and teacher, medical clown, musician, writer, doula, childbirth educator, bodyworker, healer, jewish meditation facilitator, movement teacher, facilitator of Torah and psychology based healing workshops for women. She is a student of the great Masters of all traditions, and aspires to live and to inspire others to live as true chassidim/chassidot - with open hearts, depth, truth, overflowing love, creativity, and with our whole bodies, hearts, minds and souls. Contact Reva Emuna: