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Lokutei Moharan 30
Tzchok V’Tzichok

Mar 1, 2022

Learn about

* Venahafach hu: How the tension and surprise create the pleasure

* Light and vessels… Why Purim becomes before Pesach

* The pnimius of the name Binyamin and Yitchak

* Comedy = tragedy + time

* The joke is when you see all the pieces come together / Geula is when the light can reach the vessel

* The Shivim 70 parts in us!!

* The root of Emuna: a master craftsperson of believing in someone including yourself

* The fixing of the holy is the Circle Dance / mechola

* Curley hair: The path to consciousness

* Tzichok pinu: we are going to have this experience of joy in our mouth

Reva EmunaLikutei Moharan 30
Tzchok vtzichok Likutei Moharan 30

Venahafach hu
To show an opening where everything looks closed
That’s a setup
Theres a tension in the audience
And then you surprise them with the resolution
The surprise creates the pleasure
You give them a new space to deal with the pain

Rachel naming her son Ben Oni
A left column experience
constricted contracted, stuck blocked
theres never a change in the light
theres a change in the vessel
something can get stuck delays
theres a kink in the hose
the water is pouring through
that’s not the problem
the block is happening because something is interfering
the block is causing a delay of the lack to be filled

Rachel names her son
In the suffering of birth
Every birth is only a birth of consciousness
Birthing a baby, new home
Its requiring expansion
Reveal parts of you that you didn’t know you had
Playfulness, sensuality,
All the places you haven’t discovered yet in yourself

Theres a being turned inside out
Another expression of vnehafach hu
Whats hidden becomes the outside

The ohr makif becomes the ohr panim

That was outside of us
Since Rosh hashana
That was inside of us
Revealed as fruit

We didn’t know we had it in us
To interface with this setup
Any good story and joke contain
The setup of the conditions
Ben oni
The shadow of anava
An over diminishment

The same on the right side
Expressing one’s talent and once light

Your talent, light, soul, your presence
You’re doing and your being

Even on the side of anava
Your being ness is needed

Yitzchak comes from the left side
What is the connection between gevura and laughter?
The difference between blocks and suffering and laughter

Charlie chaplan
Comedy = tragedy + time
That’s why it says about mashiach

Az yimale tzok pinu
Az in the future

What’s the az ?
Alef the one light
7 the perfected vessel
8 revelations of Geula
Our mouths will be overflowing with laughter

The laughter is when you get the joke
The joke is when you see all the pieces come together
That’s the punchline
Its never what you think

If you can anticipate it, its not funny

Whats funny is the Venahafach hu
The comic takes you
To an answer you are not anticipating

What makes it funny
The comics #1 skill?
Timing is everything
When you deliver the punchline
One beat to early its not funny
One beat too late – you lose the audience

The timing
The essence of comedy

Why do we make a joke sometimes?
We’ve gone through so much this year
Is it too soon for covid jokes?
With enough space and time and distance
How do you know you are beginning to heal?
When you can laugh
When it can start to be funny
You know the healing has begun

Let’s compare Yitzchak and Binyamin
Tzchok tzadi ches kuf
Tzarah 90 sara
Yitzchak kuf avraham 100
8 Geula consciousness kuf: chein the Az

He who laughs last lasts best
Hazirim bedima…
Those who plant with tears
With Rina
The joy is so bubbling up
You can’t help singing to Gd

This quality of joy
The release of the constriction
The revelation of that which was constricted

The revelation and the light
Are a mirror to that which was constricted

I never could have imagined it would be this good
It’s a goodness that I never thought possible

I was looking for a little comfort
Noach comfort is different than laughter
Take the edge of the suffering off

Yona matza bo manoach. Just rest

Now I get the joke
And your whole body gets release

Co counseling
The body has physical ways to release buildup of tension
Yawning, sweating, shaking, crying, and laughing

These are all the way that the body deals with trauma release

When we are in states of trauma…
Waking the tiger by peter Levine

Everything comes into place
When you get its all a setup for the joke 11:41
Yitzchak and being born of being in the straight of constriction last laugh

Ben oni from the left side of diminishment and becoming
Ben yamin the child of chesed, the light

Yitzchak: started with din, childlessness

Sara is watching yishmael play with Yitzchak
She saw yishmael crossing a sexual boundary

Sechok playfulness
Begins to take of another flavor
Of physical intimacy
That’s sexual and sensual

She was so gevura
This can not be in my house

She said to avraham
Chesed, no borders

Theres playing and then when its not a joke

The other time this word is referenced
When Rivka and yizchak
And avimelech is watching them out the window
He sees him Sochek im Rivka
He sees a playfulness that’s sensual and intimate
And he understands they are not brother and sister

This type of deep laughter
And an intimate playfulness
And intimate to the level of the kuf
The month of adar

It will have the double quality of what sara saw
Kuf monkey casualizing something so precious and delicate
In the sense of it can create suffering

Or the kuf
Where the kohein goes when offering the Ketoret
In knowing how to connect parts

Again, in connecting in such a way
That the magic formula

Once side is not swallowing preying off of the other
The beautiful balance between anava
And oz
Both is in humbleness and simultaneously in full strength
Giving and receiving at the same time
Making and offering space for each other and self at the same time

The most profound experience
On a collective level
A symphony
Shiru hashem shir

One on one
Physical intimacy
Being the giver and receiver
At the same time

Being full humble and fully in light at the same time
And rectified and healed
Can hold and play with the entire spectrum
Of the most profound and serious energies

That there are no words for
When theres trust and safety
It can be the most playful experiences

One place
Where it can hold all our part

That’s purim

When there is trust
People can come together
And bring their inner child
Their wise elder
The adventurer, explorer
Bring all of our parts and heal one another

Rabbeinu writeread

Se-if alef:
It is impossible to grasp the consciousness of Hashem. It has to be given over in small amounts
So, we have time to integrate and digest it
And it has time to act upon us
From above to below
From expanded vision consciousness

To an inward consciousness
To see only the parts
And not the whole

We see this is true in our life
We can only receive great light
When it’s garbed in garments

The large amount of negativity brought up
And the laws of nature couldn’t reverse the flow
The tzadikim would sweeten the energies through stories
They had the ability to wake up the unconscious
That prayers couldn’t reach

Like a really good teacher
He has the ability to give over the light in a way a 5 year old can receive it
And this great mind and teacher is able to repackage this light and awareness and wisdom
Meaning pathways
Teaching to have tools for life
In a way the 5 year old can use this wisdom

The first thing a good teacher does
Same as a farmer

Prepares the soil, waters and softens
Make sure they are ready to receive

That’s why Raba would start a shiur with a joke
Release stress hormones
Created the possibility of newness

Allow breath love sunshine
Into the soil that has become hard

A great gift of laughter
Is to open flow
We begin to hear the shofar
Not as cries,
But as laughter

Ha ha ha ha haaaaaa

It’s a different sound but not
Its doing the same thing
Creating space

And each one of us
Needs to open ourselves
Find teachers that will teach us how to receive consciousness and light
So it doesn’t stay on theory
How do I fix my life, heart, relationship, relationship to my body

The tanna who hid under the bed
So he can hear how his rebbe related to his wife in the bedroom
I want to know how to fix myself
How do I talk to my wife
How does my wife touch me

We have to mamash ask hashem
To send us teachers like this

Who can take the hightest truths
How do I experience and have a relationship with God?

Because for this you need a big teacher
Even the small parts
The 70 part
Shivim parts
The parts in us!!

Playful parts wise parts
Not just the umot haolam
We need to ask from hashem for a teacher
Who can reach the small parts of us
The scared little child parts of us
The greater the small parts need to be healed
The greater the teacher

And we are stuck in the 49 levels of Chet
Lamed Tet shaare tuma
The 49th degree of being separate, hopeless
Mem Tet
49 degrees
The light is coming in
The thickness of the veils
They are afraid of being betrayed
We only laugh a holy laugh with those we trust

Holy laughter is the soil of emunah


Em mothering energy
Holy laughter sprouts forth and blossoms first from a soil of emunah

You can’t let go
And have a belly laughter from the right side

The laughter from the left is from the side of tuma

7 adar torah
When we were stuck in the 49 levels
Hopelessness despair
We needed someone who could give us a taste of who we are
Har sinai came later
You can’t give over to someone the greatest light
Until you give them a taste of THEIR OWN LIGHT
I believe in Gd
But he is not helping me

Asher karcha bderech
The must be a gevalt soul
To see under the veils, masks, frozenness
To see the light and beauty that is there

Moshesh to draw out from that person
What they don’t believe in themselves

Far from the sourch

A master craftsman
Also a BELIVER in you
An uman
Is a master of emunah
A master artist
A master of believing in someone when they can believe in themselves again

The reiya mhemna
From emunah
A shepherd
Believes like a mother believes in a child
To keep speaking words of faith
I believe in you!!!

No one has room for tochaa
Till the soil is right

We all believe in Gd
It means nothing unless we can plug in

Netzach: moshe rabeinu
Roe neeman
The faithful shepherd
Cute and sweet, he sees the job done to the end
So much deeper
He nurses us

Netzach is the endocrine system
Mother milk
Its not the mothers milk
The consciousness
Before the baby gets daas
We have to give emunah

That’s why purim becomes before pesach
What am I going to do with the light
That’s my vessel
The nukva the feminine

You don’t teach your baby alf bet
You teach them when your hungry ill feed you
When youre scared I will hold you
40 years
You cant receive daas without the eretz / soil prepared

And what else is emunah
Whats a craftsman
Someone who can look as a block of wood
He kept removing what was NOT david
To reveal david was in there all the time

You are already that
We have to take of the covering

Different than you have nothing and we have to make something of you!

The fixing of the holy
Is the mechola
The circle dance

Chole is to be sick
In a state of shattered ness
Every system not in flow

Circle dance
Every system working hamonious in circular flow
The right amount at the right time

The sicker someone is
The greater doctor he needs
From tiferet
A master of reconnection

That’s why we cant say
I havent found a teacher that can really heal my heart and relationships
Wow can this person teach! Such a soul
When he teachs!!
There is such a gap between a the light he teaches and a neglect for his own heart
That’s a certain level of holy
The light isnt penetrating the vessel
Its not healing our body our shalom bayit

Geula is when the light can reach the vessel
The water can reach the soil
We have all the lovely torahs
And then we have real life

Geula is when the medicine goes in and makes us better

A lovely shiur, but can it fix my life
Because if its not fixing my life, what do I need it for

We need teacher who can teach us
Lets ask our body to be our teacher
To cry out for teachers who can teach us how to connect the lights and vessel

Sam hachaim
To heal our homes
To go into every crevice of our life
Comfort us
Bring us laughter and playfullness
You cant play unless there is emunah

Emunah is a belief in the circumstances and the condition

Ki ada raba
The more you know your own brokenness
The deeper you have to cry out
For the teacher who can heal every part of you

We all know this feeling deep inside
How much we yearn and long for
The places where are so far from

Not a litvishe musar shmuesen

We are hurting and looking for the right gardener
To soften the soil, able to grow stuff

What is this soil? Emunah

We are saying we need someone to believe in us
And to be taught how to believe in our selves
Ask for the right teachers…

Ask you ancestors
Help me
Teach me
Guide me
You passed the baton to me
And I want to do my part

The more you don’t know what you are
And who you can be
The greater reflector you need

Chasidim learning into bitul and yesh
The nuances
And how to reach the ayin
And total nullification of self
And moshele didn’t have time to daven shacharis
The watercarrier
And he soaks the parochet with his tears
I now Hashem you are everthing and I am nothing
One poke the other
Look who thinks is he everthing and I am nothing
(laugh) 12:32

That joke makes me laugh and cry

And this is the secret of HAIR in your life
Rabbeinu is the ultimate gardener
Preparing the soil

Layering the levels of receptivity

Hair / searot is same as shaar. Gateway
Seor, barley
Consciousness going in and out

Little pipelines
Part of the reason Chasidic men shave their hair
The hairs coming out of head
Is waste product for men

Women need the hair on their head
Payot are rachamim
Having hair, and hairyness and smoother

Hair connected to din
Hair as a tzinur,
The purpose is to constrict the light
Limit and direct the flow
Limit and direct the flow of consciousness

The more hair the more dilusion of consiousnes

It is also a vessel
Without something to diminish and direct the flow

Drip irrigation system
We can only receive bit by bit

This is exactly
Sechel elyon
Elevated consiousness
Gets received by having to be constricted and directed
This is how we grasp consciousness

The baby nursing
The baby sucks and gets flow so it doesn’t choke
Eserusa dletata or dlerusa

We stop and the flow ends
A protection system

Garbed in low consciousness
This is the secret of one whos hair is curley

The curley is venahafach hu
This way and that way
The twists in the flow

if a garden hose is twisted there will be a delay
The sefira of keter
You are not going to see the whole story (Knimaa lknimaa)
You will see how all the pieces will connect
The more resistance; The more delay
too much light (water from the hose) can harm

Curley hair
Mesulsal hair curly
Straight is a kav

The biggest circle we ever did
We came out on the same side of the yam suf we entered
We made the shape of the “U”

”In order to go straight we have to go in circles first”

The kivun middle column is the balance
The essence is the one who’s mekuvan
Can take aim direct
Rak hayau
But it takes circles
Our own patterns
We get locked into our own patterns

That dot changes
And brings us closer
Less circles

Outer circle of eye
Till you get to the pupil
Bat ayin

Shir hashirim
The secret of suffering
Why such constriction of light
Make the same mistakes
Say the same things to my children

Curley hair
The path to consciousness
Black hair:
Whats the point
I am black but I am beautiful
Black: Halal hapanui


We don’t see the light
I am black
Esther ayelet hashachar
The star of the dawn

Shachar dark

Because shacharut blackness dawn
The secret of your eye

You look at your pupil is black
We think that black is the time to be far from Gd
We are stuck
Pupil is inner circle
The circle of iris
The circle of eye

Whats the purpose of the pupil is to constrict what your seeing
In order that you can see it in your truth

The constrictions, contractions, the patters
Things keeping us stuck
In service of focusing of the beam of light
Focusing on consciousness
Awakening the consciousness
Don’t be so quick to judge your lower consciousness
Our lower consiousness is our vessel
It focuses the light

Yofi ha sechel elyon
In our little stories
In our brokenness
Is the vessel that can receive the infinite light

If you don’t have a garden hose you don’t have any water
The garden hose is giving you access to the water, the light

Tzichok pinu
Why davka in our mouth
We are going to have this experience of joy
Its also where we take things in
It’s a fixing of how we take things in
We think we are suffering because we are asking and not getting it
We are suffering because
We have to know how to take in the goodness

Tzamtzem be sechel elyon
We have the word sear hair
Same as shiur, a portion
A portion of the light of torah
The name for torah is flowing light
Because the mitzvos are just a piece of infinite light
Packaged through a little channel
So you can receive it
Not to much

Why was this mitzvah given to us
From tzav
Every mitzvah has a different vitamin, flavor, nutrient

According to hashems wisdom
Every mitzvah connected to different parts of our life
Shiur a life lesson
Sheur as in a portion

A shiur torah
Means a portion of light
Will have a beginning and end
This torah portion is not going to heal and fix everything
It watered , fed and restored parts
Be patient
The double image

Learn torah in a way that penetrates
It makes a difference in your garden;
On the other hand, be patient one shiur isnt going to change your life
Hashems light is healing each of you
Through this portion

Its infinite light coming to you through finite vessels
It requires patience

The change is happening
Make sure the torah is doing that
Its going in
Not your sechel, mind
You emunah

Your belief back in a way to fix your heart
If it does reach your toes its not the right one
A torah that fixes how you love
I want to learn how to be with my husband
How to talk to him
Not just sit with a page of torah
I want to be it
And be that living torah for someone else
And through this we become zoche to live with the light
In every part of my being
And it doesn’t stay theoretic

Chazak v baruch

When we are davening for our soulmate, parnassa
What am I saying
I am ready for the upgrade
Of living these torahs

I want my soulmate
I am prepared for you to crash me and teach me to know how you don’t know how to do
The level of bitul, sensitivity
To share space with another human being

Anyone married
Is living torah

Jon says to see another person is to see the face of Gd
but really… To live with another person is to see the face of Gd
It requires us to become something something different and new

If we think we are suffering because we have a lack
Its Hashems kindness
Because we don’t have the vessels to receive it
The new house
Deeper levels of commitment
Higher levels of self
Deeper levels of emunah
Relinquishing all that your think you know
Are we ready for that?
The old me to be upgraded
Meaning smashed first

We want the light without the vessel
You are gorgeous
Im not saying vessels without light: following halacha without light; without our hearts in it.

We are trying to get to lights in vessels
With great light requires great responsibilities



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is a mystic, seeker, poet and dreamer. Her passion is for intimacy and living authentically, vulnerably, and dynamically. She is an Ima, a Torah student and teacher, medical clown, musician, writer, doula, childbirth educator, bodyworker, healer, jewish meditation facilitator, movement teacher, facilitator of Torah and psychology based healing workshops for women. She is a student of the great Masters of all traditions, and aspires to live and to inspire others to live as true chassidim/chassidot - with open hearts, depth, truth, overflowing love, creativity, and with our whole bodies, hearts, minds and souls. Contact Reva Emuna: