Pitchei Shaarim



every sefira has a complete partzuf

the first third (belongs to leah)


the middle third is tiferet
chagat shel tiferet
this is the main part of the body
and everything spreads out through this place
this chagat is the conducting of the the olam haba


the third part is olam haza NEchi
the keter of the lower nukva 
connects olam hazeh with olam haba

this is the secret of the middle third
coming together of partzuf leah and rachel
the 7 sefirot of the legs of leah
enter into the keter of rochel
middle shelishi which is the hagat of tiferet. 

the place of the middle third
this is where the 2 daughters of lavan
2 sisters
sourced in the chochma of Lavan

this is where the connection takes place of Olam haba and olam hazah
one is the gedola and one ketana
rachel is pachot / lesser
the greater one was leah

LEAH is anava
this supernal conducting reveals hashem hashagacha
according to how he sends his signs and niflaot
yirat elyona

combining yirat and anava together inside chochma
so we become lowly to hashems greatness

this is the yira of Shame
called Yirat Shamayim
the level of z”a which is the highest third of the chest

z”a is the upper third
so it was at matan torah
all the niflaot and otiot
provides the basis of yira so the niflaot can be revealed

the chochma elyona
ain chochma ain yira
this conducting over the lower worlds to show hashems greatness

this main thing of anava
is to show hashems greatness
the heels of anava is the yirat hashem

this is the crown of the lower chochma of rochel
re: in the middle place the anava and the yira
ultimately olam haba consciousness is coming

leah: anava
rachel: yira
coming together in the middle third 

sometimes the creation is worthy to receive the hanhagat
legs of leah
supernal hanhaga

Heavens are my thrown the earth is my footstool

the 7 sefirot of the legs of leah into the crown of rochel
sometimes the legs are covering the crown of rochel

and she is pushed down to the third shelishi
she is covered over and pushed down

sometime rochel takes the middle third
the secret to the sparks 
the tiferet of the hanhaga

revealed in the Will
sometimes rachel is combined with that olam haba

“secret of the sparks of the lights, conducting of the light of tiferet which is olam haba”
when rachel takes these 
hanhagat of olam haba is revealed in her will

her keter is receiving of olam haba so this hanhaga is revealed
according to what we do below

sometime rachel receives all of the conducting of the half of the supernal partzuf
this is the secret of the lengthening of the partzuf of the keter above to the keter of z”a

this is what is written sometimes she takes twice of the light that is in the 2nd third in the keter of rachel

the keter has 3 parts
keter is 3x the light
sometimes the keter shines through and includes all the partzuf

mashkif, directs everything
each partzuf is rosh, beten, gevia
nefesh, ruach, neshama

leah takes the rosh of tiferet for herself
pnimius of his lights

rochel bottom third, nefesh
middle connects nefesh to neshama
sometimes the nefesh moves up to ruach

and this is the 3 thirds of keter
there are 3 thirds in rachels keter