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the lower it goes on the circle
the holier


CLASS 6 3-29-22

We saw Rochel buried on the road
We saw her in pain
In childbirth
Struggle with infertility
From the dark perspective we have of reality
She didn’t die
She grew
Until the vessel of her light
Couldn’t grow
She popped on top of the Pargod
We live in the rights side up world
The truth is above the Pargod / veil

Hareini na
Hashem show me your glory
Your honor
No one can see me and live
He saw his tefillin

He taught him the יג מידות yud gimel middos of Rachamim
We don’t see Gan Eden

Adam spanned from one side of the world to the other
He encompassed one side of the world to another
We can’t see the upper side of the tapestry

Souls don’t die
She is just temporary hiding


Lets see it visually, intuitively and emotionally
The higher feminine is the influencer
The lower feminine is the receiver
But they are really one

In the world of circles,
the lower it goes on the circle
the holier

the feminine of Bina

Is much more discerning

Because the Dinim are so powerful
The reality of
Standing up
Co creational with Hashem

Because it is so holy
This light has to be protected
Reserved for the righteous

Hashem sets a childless woman…
Pshat a barren women

Deeper the akeres habayis
The one running the home
In Medrash Rus
Al tikri baisi, the woman is the home!
Akeres habayis: Rachel
Mix with Aim Habanim semicha: Leah
Higher consciousness

Bone of my bone flesh of my flesh
Yira ilaa
Leah’s awe of Hashem
Yelala moaning
Same letters as hallel

80 is the raw material
Honor the vessel
Not to push too much
I should already be Rochel Hagedola
The pushings
Are the opposite of Keter

Love and patience
Because of Leah

And no more will you call me my Man
No gap
You are not going to call me any more my master

We are looking up toward the cosmic masculine
In the times of Moshiach
The man and the woman will be in their full stature
Intimate lovers

Every time Leah talks about Yaakov, she says ishi
Rochel refers to Yaakov as baal

Ishi = Leah
Baali = lower yira = Rochel

Torat ha hester 36

Rachel:Rose Leah: Lily

Rochel roses Shoshana
A code term for malchus
Soft feminine
Growing and growing

Leah Lilies
Taking the light that was lost on the dark side
No long is Lili a bad word
It’s a beautiful flower

Toras hanefesh
Leah is machshava
Rochel is dibur

Ima tata
Ima ilaa: Leah bina: the mother within the mother
With the ability to influence zeer anpin

To be in the world
You need to know you are surrounded by thorns
What is holy, what is not
Not getting drawn in
There are thorns of challenges
The Aishes Chayil needs to keep connected
To her inner mother Leah
Her husband
It’s very deep work

Sifting is when we have to see the essence of something
And discard what is antithetical
To our Avoda, Torah mitzvot

That’s what we are here for
Mixture: sifting the good from the raa

A visual representation of how they relate to each other through Yaakov (zeer anpin)
Within the feminine there’s masculine
Withing the masculine there’s feminine
Leah is the masculine of the feminine
Because she has the powers of hashpaa

Of the 5 partzifim
Kutzo shel yud
Where the yud germinates from
The first partzuf

Bottom malchus lower hey
Zer anpin
First yud chochma
5. kutzo she yud Rochel gedola

Bina all 10
Kuma sheleima
Allow her to interact with all the other partzufim

On the right side
Within the sefira of tiferes

There is the whole holographic system of 10
Tiferes is the torso
We live in our tiferes
Within tiferes there are3 levels (zeer anpin)
Chabad mochin
Hehi: emotional

Love at first sight
The level of nefesh
Rochel his zivug
Matches him at netzach hod yesod (see the line)

Rochel Hagedola
It grows to incorporate Leah
All the way to the top
Rochel and Leah are distinct

The minute she gets the simonim
It’s all one
The oneness of femininity
Rochel grows to incorporate Leah

It’s not the end
Maximum potential its Leah

Leah is on par with his daas

Daat is a euphemism of intimacy
Yaakov and Leah there’s intimacy – an intellectual intimacy

2 zivugim
Zivug teta
Zivug illa

2 bechinas of feminine
But Leah or Rochel doesn’t have their crowns on

Leah on top as Bina
When Rochel grows to incorporate Leah
They become Rochel Hagedola

The relationship between Keter and Malchus
When you are just in your head no one it will say its Keter

A crown represents shleimus
Total healing

When the moon is like a sun

Leah on her own
thinks she is important
But without Rochel
She is tohu

How do they connect
There’s a gap
The ultimate keter
When Moshiach is here
Each partzuf has a keter wherever they are
The part that’s just outside their conscious awareness

She gave the simanim because she tapped into the Keter
The keter of Rochel overlaps with the upper part of Leah
The lowest part of the heels

The heels of Leah extend into the Keter of Rachel
Both can dip into the middle space

The chaze the chest of the man
Rochel reaches up to Yaakov’s chest

They are both missing
One is missing the bottom of legs
The other missing other part

He loves her because he was up to that place

Partzuf Yaakov is zivug with Rachel
Hashem picks for him Leah
You are only up to your chaze
It represents to the dividing line!

Rochel: everything will fit in the chazeh!
What’s unifying Rochel and Leah?
The middle third
The core
Mystically we all have a head
But if we really had the sefiros of Chochma and Bina
A maturation process

Rivka was filling up the jugs
3 jugs
Rochel has the bottom one
Leah has the top
Rochel gets 2 because she is the akeres habayis
It’s her crown space but she goes there all the time
Cad= 24
3 jugs 3 measures
48 represents aishes Chayil
Akeres habayis building the home

The malchus becomes the crown for her husband
That’s Rochel Hagedola

Keter is 620
620 letters in the atzeres hadibros
How do you reach keter
When you fill up the tiferes
Chabad, chagat, nchi

3 part and each one is one light
When you have them all you are a complete partzuf
You have the crown

Ohr is 206
Add keter to zeer anpin
There are 3 parts

The middle light is with Rochel
2+1=3 = keter

If you take just 2 lights= Bayis בית
When Rochel and Leah merge
When she heals
Embraces loves both
Then she is able to heal the man

It has to do with the dark and light
And powers of good over evil
Up to the partitions lights are covered

Leah’s light is protected

Energy from upper world into the emotions of the man
And he gives it over to the woman
The forces of evil do whatever they can to access

The stage is set
The evil is wanting lifeforce
It looks like holiness

Our job is to separate between the light and darkness
Light and truth happening on the top

The forces of evil
Rav Yitzchak Eisik Chover
Secular wisdom divorced from Torah
When Rochel stole her father’s idols
What was that?

When they contact Leah
They can create magic

So, she stole her father’s idols
Protecting Leah – protecting the world from her father’s evil
Making sure Leah was safe

The physical world
We need that Leah light in order to activate the rise to
Rochel gedola

Rachel said
Nidda . taharas hamishpacha / zivug
3 parts of the torso
Giving her the simonim: that’s the Avoda for Leah
Leah valued that
Leah says: please teach me the secret
Its simplicity

The torment comes from when you deny the central gift

Vessel work: front facing relationship
If you’re wrestling your Rochel
We need to face and embrace
Rather than wrestling from behind

Was the gilgul the hemshech
His face is on the kise hakavod
He is picking up where Adam left off
A tikkun with his 2 nukvas
He was supposed to correct Adams mistake
Did he realize it
He didn’t hurt Leah’s feelings
He rolled with the punches

He embraced the tov meod
He married Leah
That’s where the tikkun STARTS

But Leah is called “hated”

Hashem opens Leah’s womb
Now Hashem will see my pain
Now Hashem will hear I’m the hated one
Leah is hurting
Levi, now Hashem will accompany me

How could be that Leah was hated
The love of the backside
The ultimate love of Hashem
Accepting suffering with love

If Yaakov doesn’t love Leah
He is only reaching to his CHEST CHAZEH

It’s not about love
When he loves Leah
He will be yisrael
He will see his own light
His own inner light

How could she be hated
Just relative compared to Rochel
When he was intimate with her, he loved her
The Zohar says that it’s not the way of the world to love that which is an echo of your mother
Man wants a wife

As long as Leah was pitched too high
Man wants the love of giving
How is this going to happen
How do we help our husbands rise?

How does Leah activate this process?
From Yaakov heel to yisrael

I have reached the head
The goal of humanity
li- rosh

this is pivotal

if we breathed too much oxygen it would be too much for our lungs
that’s why Hashem adds nitrogen

what is Leah’s magic?
Could Leah love Yaakov fully if he wasn’t loving her fully?

She is just there
She is the older sister
By the side
Rochel is the focal point
But now the focus is coming on Leah
Her beauty, brilliance, love, inner wisdom

Tovas marrah, toar

Don’t read it rakos aruchos
Her eyes are long
Her vision is far
Her crown is patience
Her gifts / her reward is enduring
Leah gives birth to Yehuda malchut
Levi: to the kahuna
It’s all Leah
Onkelos: tender like pretty

She cried until her eyelashes fell out from prayer
Says the Gemara
Why did she do it

What does Leah’s name mean?
Zohar: Leah means tired, weary

The Zohar says
Go back to the diagram
Leah gets her light from Ima / binah
She received higher wisdom intuition
MI = 50 inner mother nourishing the outer mother
Mi is a code word for the higher realm of deep
MI gives birth the Leah
Turn letters around

Mi + eleh i= Elokim
She makes up the Elokim very lofty, very high
The essence of Leah because
She is laasoh

Means: she is tired of evil or falsehood

In her first incarnation
Chava rishona turned into a dark force
Take out the inner sparks of Lili
That’s the inner light
We are tired of darkness and evil

Leah is the essence of returning to our innermost truth, being and essence
She is the essence of teshuva
Because anyone who has gone
To find the light in the darkest places
Yaakov, this is what you need to reach Yisrael

We are so busy avoiding the dark
We don’t realize that’s where the light is hiding

The secret of teshuva bahava
Teshuva ilaa

Leah said Romance I’m in
Love: give me a husband

Leah said: my zivug opted out
That’s ok. Give me hashem!
Yaakov is where I want to be
He’s not going to see me yet
Its ok
I’m holding the light for him.
I’m going to daven for him every day
And hold the space
And I’m going to be me
I’m going to share, love, give

Leah is achas shealti

She gets bigger than herself
She says I’m destined to marry esav
I have holy chutzpa
I want to be on the side of holiness
She could have said it’s my mazel
She was in such pain
She says now. Sparks of Leah

She sees him for who he really is
Even in his simple form

The man who wants to grow and do the right thing

Rochel give me the simanim
She says to Yaakov, Yaakov, I see what you can be
Ill sacrifice for that
I’ll hold your light as a crown
Until you can hold the vessels
She takes the long vision
That’s the price she pays

Why did the moon have to be diminished?
The man was also diminished
Rachel says I’m going to marry Yaakov
It feels like shrinking

Leah leaves the world of tohu
To the tent

From infinite light to parameters that can contain

Hashem says to the moon
Leah says I will make myself small
Yaakov is the world from tikkun
Esav came from tohu

I want to be where the root of my soul wants to be
By agreeing to use her mochin
To not be seen
She agrees to be hashems angel for Yaakov to help him grow
He loves her just as much as Rochel
So how is that the essence of teshuva
Going deeper
To what we really want
The emunah
Seeing it in others

Because of Leah
Yaakov is going to fight Esav

Leah knows Esav
Feed them to Yaakov at a pace he can receive
The work of Leah
They love each other super consciously

As we grow into our crown
Leah love is deeper love
That’s why she becomes Rochel Hagedola

Vessel work
We know when we connect to our keter
Our mind complicates things
In order to look at Rochel and Leah
What is the pure holy Rochel?
And the Rochel wannabe

Leah can have an ego manifestation
I want to prove, show
As soon as you rooted out of keter

What do you really want?
Honor it
Your inner Leah
A lot of possible pseudo Leahs

Sift it out
What does your holy Leah Shechinah say?

If we don’t claim Leah redeem the sparks
You are great

Let your real Leah and real Rochel be