Tomer Devora Ma Rabu Maasecha


Tomer Devora 12-25

What is a practical way to connect to this teaching when your Daas flies out the window with kaas (anger) especially with those closest to us. We want to grow and help them grow. To release ourselves from our patterns, history, and natural reactions.

We can transform this into a ratzo vshav.

We learn in Tomer Devorah [15th of the month] about an excellent tachboshet (potion) along with the 3 samim which makes a balm for the heart which we learned last week  (1. Fleeing from honor 2. Seeing ones shameful side 3. Rejoice in insults.

One should accustom oneself to respect all creatures. All creatures contain in them the wisdom of creation and they age greatly precious because Hashem Himself created them. If one despises them, chas vshalom, it affects the honor of their Creator.

This is comparable to a wise silversmith who makes a vessel with great wisdom, and when he displays his work to people, one of them begins to disgrace and despise it. How angry will the craftsman be, since by despising the work of his hands, one is despising his very wisdom. So, too, HKBH is grieved if one despises any of His creatures. This is the meaning of the verse (tehillim 104:24) Ma Rabu Maasecha H’” How great are Your works, H’” [Dovid Hamelech) did not say “How magnificent” – ma gadlu – but rather “how great” MAH RABBU,  suggesting great importance, as in the phrase “rab beiso” (ester 1:8) meaning the very important [people of the house]. You have made them all with wisdom” Thus, since Your wisdom was involved in creating them Your works are great and magnificent, and it is proper for man to perceive wisdom  (lhitbonan mitocham chochma) in them and not despise them.

So how can we not despise an aspect of a loved one. In the moment? I am not supposed to despise H’s creations. Ma Rabu Maasecha H’

How great
How great and magnificent and very important
You have made people
Your works are great and since Your wisdom
Was involved in creating them

It is fitting for me to lhitbonan, to perceive
And try to understand the inner essence of this person
with the wisdom you have gave me
and not despise them, lo bizoyon.

In the moment of my ultimate sense of frustration
I turn to you
In my humility
And say
This person with all his/ her hisronos and maylos (deficiencies and good qualities)
Is very important to You
Who am I to think I know better?

I want to be purified in this moment
From despising
From the hot fiery place inside my self that is seething from
This person’s presence

Ma Rabu Maasecha
It seems like so fitting
That now im a choosing to reveal Your light
By saying Ma Rabu Maasecha H’

As I Ratzo
Ani Mekabel the shechina in Exile
Please reveal your light in this moment
And help me connect to the greatness and importance
Of this person / creature that is being presented to me right now

Your works are great and magnificent (Ribu vgadlu)
and I choose to perceive the chochma in them
And return with this perception
As good
And calmly breath

With the awareness of the

The Oneness of all creation.


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Kedushat Levi Chanukah