Kedushat Levi Chanukah


Kedushat Levi, Kedushot for Chanukah, Kedusha Shniya

Why don’t we have a megillat Hashmonai for Chanukah like the megillat esther?

The awakening of the upper worlds are affected by means of our good deeds today
The awakening of the awakened

By means of the speech of Am Yisrael those same signs that were awakened THEN would be awakened now. With Dibur.

Everything that a person says, that is what pulls to the lower worlds (even pulls the upper worlds as well) Has to go through the upper world.

By means of speech, it is all drawn down. What does it mean that its praiseworthy.

The intent of the phrase is about the chasodim that come out of the mouth of Bnei Yisrael.
When there comes forth the mouth of the people in the Hagada, THEN, at the time of sapir, we arouse the some power of the miracles and chesed. We bring down and draw forth again, every year at Pesach.

Those same signs of G-d presence in the world All the worlds, are not dependent on angels. The worlds are dependent on the DIBUR of Bnai Yisrael.
When you SPEAK about something HKVH listens to everything we say. Its all there in potential. Our speech is the act of turning ON THE FAUCET!!!!

By means of Good deeds and speech, full loving kindness is always there.

Certain signs and wonders are more accessible at certain times, more than others. Certain kinds are always accessible. The arizal  on Pesach tells us Marbeh is considered praiseworthy. We bring it back into the world by means of speech.

It wasn’t enough o do my action. I have to speak it. “H’, can you please help me….” Find something. He listens to all my converstions.

Awaken chasodim for all the worlds because G-d continues doing miracles for our benefit. And similarly being connected by the words. Dibur in Aramaic means a Leader. One leader, than everyone can get on board and we are all in the same direction. We all can pull the ropes to more a heavy object. Its gonna move. If everyone is equal, it can cause sinas chinam. If every one is pulling their rope in another direction its not going to move. A LEADER IS A BROCHA FOR THE GENERATION if everyone gets behind one person.

12/19/10 21 Kislev Nechama Wells

Behold, these are the letters (otiot) by means of which the worlds were created, during the 6 says of Doing. And they are fixed always. These letters are called Torah.

Because by means of the Torah /B’Oraita HKBH created His world.

The worlds were created for the sake of Bnei Yisrael, therefore if we do the Ratzon of HKBH, even the lower world follows the wishes of Am Yisrael.

The act of Dibur, Divrei Torah, saying and speaking out Torah, are the means by which Bnei Yisrael provide chiyus to all the worlds.

Kol Me’saper Meshubach. The Ariz’l says that when you tell about it you bring out the chasodim fixed in that time.
Not simply Divrei Torah. All this is good.
Am Yisrael gives the world a command, shelichut; and the world fills the mission.

If we are doing H-shem’s will, we can command the teva. What makes something a miracle? That which goes against teva. But if we do what we are supposed to be doing, the world is our shelichot, it goes beyond doing things the natural way.

They have to do the bidding, carrying out the mission; shelichut.

Footnote: if you look at the Perushei Haagadot. In addition, with respect to the completeness of the believers of Bnei Yisrael. Besides they attach themselves by means of speech to KHKBH, it is also in the power given to the believers, not only do they get dveikus, they have powere to draw about the G-dly holy abundance. And we have the ability to draw sheaf by means of action. This is through the letters. They are physical. By means of combining the letters, all the worlds were created.

In this possibility, the abundance can be drawn drawn down to the world of action by doing the mitzvos. The point of action: connection of Ruchniot and Maase. 

Therefore if a person strengthens himself by means of otiot and mitzvoth, a person can bring abundance to the world of action and there will be brachos.

And this is for ALL the worlds. Atzilut, Briya, Yetzira and Asiya. By means of combining the letters and also the mitzvos ie. Keeping kosher which have a different damut in the other worlds.

Therefore, if one does the mitzvoth that were given to Moshe, the dees are physical.
This is the lifeline from HKBH. In the world of Action / Asiya / the lowest world. Abundance drawn down for that are higher than this (we have no clue what going on in the upper worlds)

We are drawing down.
Becaouse by means of the Torah, HKBH created the World. Everything that exists in the world has in it sparks of holiness enclosed within them.

A person is made of 248 limbs in parallel to the 248 positive commandmenst and 365 gidim / sinews that hold all the pieces together. Lo Taaseh.

Evarim / Gidim. Doing and Not Doing. Provide Chiyus to the sinews.

The world also has 248 limbs. Ie. Heart of the land, mouth of the land, eye... similar to a person.
Wthin the land there are also the vitality of the mitzvot.

When a person does mitzvoth, the world is his. Shelichut… the world does what it is commanded to do.

Similarly if I do mitzvoth, the world becomes MINE. THE WORLD WILL DO WHAT I WANT IT TO DO.

And by means of this, Yehoshua was able to conquer 7 lands because he knew the life force of each city he conquered.

Therefore, hidden miracles which are in natural events – miracles within nature – like in the days of Mordecai and Esther. All the natural paths are forced to carry out the mission, the shelichut given to it by His people Bnei Yisrael.

It is Naase
When we do mitzvoth, ie. If we want our enemies to have a downfall, then it will happen. NATURE WILL DO OUR BIDDING.

Mordecai and Esther had all this “coincidences” all fall into place. Really?!

All hidden, and then all of a sudden, you can see the miracle.

Naase Nisim Nistar.

Seemingly by natural means we, Am Yisrael, do hidden miracles if we align ourselves with His world. Then it will happen by “natural means.

We ashould be staying aware, in dveikus. We should bee trying to get back WHAT WE COULD HAVE THAT CAN BE SO MUCH MORE.

They did the correct kind of teshuva. They had and existential threat. The pieces fell into place quickly.

May we do teshuva B’AHAVA…H’ Himself fights our wars!!!!

The Torah is the tool which was used to create the world. If Torah is the kli with which the world was created. And onyone who holds by the Torah maintains the world. The world cannot do evil to those who uphold the Torah.

If we were really Mekayim the Torah in Dveikut and Ratzon H’, He will fight our battles and then we don’t have to do ay physical actions at all.

In order for the world to work out that way, it would require us to live on that madrega, so we shouldn’t count on it yet.
If youre really living this way, then the bomb will always land in the empty field and the bullets will pass by you. Rav Levi Yitzchak is telling us that there is a mechanism that it CAN work out.

Whats the miracle of Chanuka?

According to our tefilla, the many were given into the hands of the few. The war wasn’t an outside of nature miracle. That’s what al hanisim is about

They did do their hishtadlus, but basically things fell into place and we won, not just in E”Y. The enemies discovered they wanted quiet, rather than control over E”Y. It was a miracle. They had brought elephants (ie tanks)

When Esther invited Haman, that was not a physical action that caused the miracle. It was THAT NIGHT the king’s sleep was disturbed. That was the REAL miracle, not the mishte. The miracle had already been done.

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Tomer Devora Ma Rabu Maasecha


Caught in an Emotional Squall