The Spark in Conflict

✨The Spark in Conflict

15 Cheshvan 5780
Davening for siyata dShmaya and shalom for our family in Eretz Israel for continual nisim/ miracles… as Missiles are falling

Nechama Sarah Burgeman discusses how we are extracting the spark from the challenge. Going to a deeper level...

What is the nugget between you and another person that needs to be extracted from the klippa of conflict?

I had a severe conflict with someone exactly 2 years ago, in which I was completely devastated. (It actually took me a long time to recover from the hurt) At the time, I said to myself... that I knew, in H’shem’s loving kindness and rachamim, that it had to be all for the good and that someday it would be revealed to me why this is happening. But at the time, there was no spark or clue to what was the Emes.

Yesterday, B”H it was completely revealed to me what a Chesed (the rejection and conflict) actually was, and how H-Shem was actually protecting me. And through that conflict/change of events, so much good happened as a result. Revealed chasdei H-Shem!

Sometimes we can’t see the spark but we ask H’ for guidance/ hashgacha pratis to help us have Emunah and bitachon that, in His greater plan. it’s all l’tovah.

Hug from Shamayim

How min haShamayim that In this life that one would come to see this. This is a hug from Shamayim. We are not owed anything. We are not owed in this life, to see why H-shem does what He does. But when he is so kind, in his chesed to show us these reasons, its like Him saying “Remember to ALWAYS TRUST ME. I’ve always got your back. You may not see it for 2 years, 5 years…10 years, NE-VER, but just trust me. I’ve got your back. 

(Devorah Hadassa Liebermann)

We needed to be broken in order to be fixed

At the time, the breaking was so unbearably disorienting and painful and dark. Yes, the inner transformation that was catalyzed by the chaos of the rejections, betrayals and devastations is now in a stage of blossom. Its amazing!!! We are actually seeing how the pain was worth it. This is a powerful gift… a message of chizuk and validation that we are stepping into a deeper more purposeful and elevated level of living. As we rise, the view is momentarily less confusing and we have expanded vision. This new panoramic vista is beyond awesome. It’s breathtaking. As we celebrate this new level, we hold space for the hidden sparks within those that are misusing their koach to be released soon and we should all step into a pure light with anava and love.

(Rachel Leah Ismaili)

Teva Sheni = Emes

In the zchut of our avodas H’, we are now ACTIVELY transitioning our nature. From Tohu > Tikun.
The brokenness needed to happen… by design.

Anything Contrary to Anava is Blocking the Light!

 So the fact is, that we have to constantly make the choice… To actively CHOOSE LIGHT OVER DARK. Darkness is hidden even in people who we least suspect. (This may pertain especially to people in positions of power / trying to gain popularity without pure motives.) It is all hashgacha pratis. The yetzer hara is making its desperate attempt to hold us back. To keep us diminished. To prevent malkut and keter from rising.

Making our Self into a Kli Rishon

WE have to make ourselves a kli rishon. (Shuli Kleinman)
We need to strengthen and sharpen our own connection to H-shem (see Dveikus). So much is becoming clear right now... bchasdei H!

We are moving from LINE (teacher /student relationship) to CIRCLE (all receivers mekablim of H’ infinite light!!!)✨✨✨✨See Miriam’s Circle Dance by Rebbetzin Tamar Taback.

Therefore the takeaway is.... all of this brokenness, and subsequent revelation is for us to strengthen our selves by going deeper into our self (as taught by Rabbi Labinsky) as we peel the layers of gaiva/ pride / nefesh beheimus and uncover our nefesh Elokis, our G-dly soul. We realize We are Ayin. Nothing.

Holding the space of opposites

We are simultaneously holding the the dual space opposites. We are emulating H’ - as creators. What are we creating?

Our new self. Teva Sheini. May we go forward with this to reveal H’s light making a collective vessel... creating the true geula circle dance

Geula = Revelation = Emes!! ✨❤✨

Where there is no competition. Only Emes and inner and outer vibrations of hiskashrus and hiskalekus.


Cementing Self

