
Formula For Redemption \ Insight for Purim



D'var Torah: After Haman prepared the tree to hang Mordecai, he went to see how Mordecai was preparing to die. Haman found Mordecai in the Beit Midrash teaching Torah to twenty-two thousand young children, who were fasting and wearing sackcloth. Haman put the children in chains and declared, "Tomorrow I will kill these children first and then I will hang Mordecai." Their good mothers brought the children bread and water. The children swore they would not eat, they chose to go to their death while fasting. The righteous children returned to their study of Torah while weeping and crying. The wailing of these holy children ascended to Heaven and the evil decree was annulled.

Moral:. Even in the most trying moments we need to trust in HaShem and His deliverance. If we maintain the presence of mind to study Torah and pray, HaShem will always redeem us.

Application: Gather your composure to set aside your hardships so that you can study Torah and pray to HaShem. Your trust in HaShem and your heartfelt efforts to improve your ways, will surely awaken HaShem's mercy and He will free you from all of your troubles! 
(Based on Lev Eliyahu of Rav Eliyahu Lopian)



Daily Dose of Emuna 
“Ta’anit Esther” 
by Orit Esther Riter


Purim is packed with tons of emuna, fun, happiness and spiritual transformation. The yetzer hara does not want us to reap the benefits from this once a year gift imparted from Hashem on Purim. “Mah lach Esther HaMalka u’mah bakashatech ad chatzi hamalchut v’yeetehn lach (What is your wish Esther HaMalka, your wish is My command)”. On Ta’anit Esther and Purim itself we are entitled to free gifts from Hashem in particular. Here is some of the ways to ensure we don’t miss out on them, B’H.

On Ta’anit Esther get up before dawn do negel vasser, put money in your tzedakah box and light two yahrtzeit candles one for Mordechai HaTzaddik and one for Esther HaMalka bat Avichayil. This is an amazing sha’at ratzon (auspicious time) for our tefillot to be answered. We awaken before dawn since this coincides with the ayelet hashachar (morning star) which is likened to Esther HaMalka.

Recite perek כב’/22 in tehillim 7 times. After reciting the entire perek each time stop and ask for one wish, for a total of seven requests. Women should try to fast as much as possible since this fast atones for forbidden foods that were eaten throughout the year such as food eaten without the proper bracha intention, not strictly kosher, not eaten in a holy manner, etc.

Daven for our Rabbi’s, Rebbetzin’s and holy leaders on the Ta’anit that Hashem bestow upon them strength, health and wisdom to guide us correctly. We pray to be drawn to truly genuine leaders who follow Hashem’s ways in emuna and truth and to remain faithful to their words and teachings. The leaders take upon themselves the sorrows and harsh decrees of our beloved nation. Therefore we pray that they have the strength to carry Ahm Yisrael’s trials and tribulations on their shoulders.


Shabbat Zachor brings with it a special light of kedusha. For those who can make the effort and go to shul to listen to Parshat Zachor pay attention to each word and follow the reading with your finger. After the reading ask Hashem to erase the amalek within us. Who is the amalek within? The doubts, confusion, worries, fear and anything negative that holds us back from living a life of emuna and closeness to Hashem. After the reading it is also a special time to ask for zera bar kayama, to have children. Lastly, hearing this parsha also serves to strengthen our memory and clarity of mind.

Before the chazzan begins to read the megillah while he reads the brachot ask Hashem that you become a powerful vessel to receive the holy lights of Mordechai and Esther that come down at this moment. These lights stay with us until next Purim. During the reading of the megillah the same holy lights begin to envelop us as if we were living through the episodes once again. Relate to the megillah as if you are praying to Hashem right now for difficulties you are going through in your present life. Reach into the context of the megillah and link it to your own personal life, i.e. hanging of Haman can be looked upon as if you are hanging your sorrows, never to see them again B’H. At the end of the megillah reading ask for your soul mate or shalom bayit, marital peace.

After the reading, cover your table with a festive cloth (suitable for Shabbat or Yom Tovim) and once again light two yahrtzeit candles and place them on your table: one in memory of Mordechai HaYehudi Hatzaddik and one for Esther HaMalka bat Avichayil. The candles brings their holy light into our homes.

Erev Purim, is a most special time particularly at chatzot halayla, midnight, which falls in most places at 11:40 pm(ish). All seven gates in Shamayim are open. Just as Esther stood before Hashem at this hour, so should we. The yetzer hara will try to play this one down, distract, make you tired and aggravate you in order to stop you from taking advantage of this once a year unbelievable time to pray. Don’t fall for it. Mordechai stood with 22,000 children on this night and prayed to Hashem to annul the harsh decree against the Jewish people and was able to overturn it. Can you imagine the power embedded in this night? Don’t miss out. No matter what, stand there at midnight, beseech, pray and beg Hashem like you have never done before… Hashem is handing out free gifts yes free…. just ask!!! Ask Hashem to annul all harsh decrees, c’v, against us and/or our beloved nation. Request that Hashem gift you with the same mesirut nefesh (self-sacrifice) that Esther HaMalka displayed and brought about the cancellation of the judgments against us.

The Purim seuda meal is to atone for enjoying ourselves at the table of Achashveirosh. It is recommended to prepare a festive table with many delectable food items and to eat from a long challah to remind us of the tall gallow from which Haman was hung. During the seuda say 120 times: Baruch Mordechai and 24 times: Brucha Esther bat Avichayil, this further brings down their holy lights to our meal. In addition, use this time to request anything on your mind, it is a time of great rachamei Shamayim.

Some thoughts on what to pray for: geula, something that ‘appears’ impossible according to natural law, yeshuot, to complete that which we are lacking, etc..

Do not get angry (anytime!) on Purim, be joyful. There should be calm, peace and happiness all day long. Put some kind of nut mixture onto your table during the meal since Esther HaMalka dined on nuts whenever she entered the chambers of Achashverosh.

B’H we will come out from Purim feeling more true with ourselves, more comfortable with who we are and have a stronger draw towards being continually joyful. May this be a time of joy for us personally and collectively as a nation, a time to annul any harsh decrees c’v and may we merit the ultimate joy – the redemption of the Shechinah and of the Jewish people b’karov, b’rachamim, amen!


*By Rabbanit Elinor Cohen

Purim segulot according to the Ben Ish Chai ztk”l, the Zohar HaKadosh and Kav Yashar: 
Ta’anit Esther:

Get up before dawn and: before 5:09 am

Light two separate yahrtzeit candles one ‘Le’chavod Mordechai HaTzaddik’ and one ‘Le’chavod Esther bat Avichayil’

Recite perek 'כב/22 in tehillim seven times. Stop after each time you complete the perek and daven for one thing, a total of seven requests (can be the same or a repetition of the same request)*

This is a time to cancel all harsh decrees, personally and nationally.

Try to fast as much as possible, but at least fast until you complete the reading of this perek.*

This fast atones for the forbidden foods that we have eaten throughout the year.*

Daven for our leaders and Rabbis and ask that just as B’nai Yisrael was zoche/merited leaders during Purim we should merit righteous leaders in our generation as well.*

*Make a promise to Hashem that if you are granted a miracle you will publicize it to all and bring praise to His blessed name, just as was done during Purim.

Kriat Megillah/the reading of the Megillah:

▪ Before leaving to hear the reading of the Megillah, spread a white table cloth on your table and once again light two separate yahrtzeit candles one ‘Le’chavod Mordechai HaTzaddik’ and one ‘Le’chavod Esther bat Avichayil’ 

▪ Before the Megillah is read there are a number of brachot that are recited. During this time daven for a request. 
Ask Hashem to bring down the holy lights of Mordechai HaTzaddik and Esther HaMalka. These holy lights stay with us until the following Purim.

Feel the Megillah happening and real, don’t allow it to be a story, but as an opportunity to daven.

After the reading daven for your shidduch/soul mate or Shalom bayit/marital peace.

Chatzot Halayla/Midnight 12:07 am(after the reading of the Megillah):

At this time Mordechai HaTzaddik stood in front of the gates of Heaven, all seven gates are open to us at this time, with 22,000 children and begged Hashem to annul the decree and so it was. This is a once a year opportunity to tap into ‘Ve’nahafoch Hu/overturn’ it all. 
Its good to finish sefer Tehilim.

Seudat Purim/Purim meal:

The Purim table is against the table of Achashveirosh and is meant to correct his meal. Keep a holy spirit during the meal.

Take out a book on halachot Pesach and begin to learn to weave simcha b’simcha.

Say 120 times consecutively “Baruch Mordechai” and 24 times consecutively “Brucha Esther bat Avichayil” to bring down their holy lights onto us.

Request anything you want from Hashem during the meal… anything!

Keep your inner composure and do not get angry during Purim. Stay calm, cool and collected!

Place a bowl of nuts on the table (pistachios, peanuts, sunflower seeds, etc.) as Esther HaMalka would dine on them when she entered the chambers of Achashveirosh.

*Happy Purim to all Am Israel

Powerful Segulah for Ta'anis Esther & Purim

The following are the words of the Kav Hayashar (perek 97):

“...For this is a very opportune day that our tefilos be accepted in the merit of Mordechai and Esther. And anyone who needs mercy on anything that he needs to daven for, should take time to himself on the day of The Taanis Esther and first say the twenty-second perek of Tehillim - Lamnatzeiach al Ayeles Hashachar… - which Chazal say refers to Esther who was called Ayeles Hashachar (Yoma 29a, Medrash Shochar Tov 22). The Gemara (Megillah 15b) also teaches us that Esther davened this perek when she was on the way to present herself before Achashveirosh... Afterwards, he should pour out his words before Hashem, and say his requests mentioning the merit of Mordechai and Esther, whom in their zechus, Hakadosh Boruch Hu will answer him and open up the shaarei rachamim - gates of mercy for him, and his tefila will be answered willingly. We need to mention the merit of Mordechai and Esther, for the day of Taanis Esther, and the day of Purim are days of ratzon and ahava. Therefore, it is good to daven on the day of Taanis Esther. And the One who listens to teffila, should willingly accept with mercy our tefilos, Amen.”

"Since on this day they gathered together to save themselves and they were in need of rachamim (mercy), therefore, it was set up as a day to say selichos and tachanunim (prayers of teshuva and mercy). These prayers are very dear to Hakadosh Boruch Hu,and through these tefillos, tremendous mercy is awakened in the pamalia shel maalah (the heavenly kingdom)”

Regarding the significance of Taanis Esther we find the following words of the Seder Hayom:

"...For this was the day that was transformed from sadness to joy, and from mourning to yom tov. Instead of our enemies waiting to rule over us as they wished – to kill and obliterate us as were the thoughts of Haman the rasha – all the Jews gathered together in the cities of the provinces of the king to fight for their lives and take revenge against their enemies. Being that this was a day that everyone was waiting for mercy of Heaven to save them from the hands of those who sought to do to them evil and Hakadosh Boruch Hu was there to help them and save them from their pains, they have taken upon themselves every year to fast on this day, to give praise and thanks for the past, and to daven and beseech for the future..."

Have a meaningful, uplifting and easy fast, and may Hashem accept all of our tefilos for the good iy"h. 


Overcoming Unhealthy Patterns


Kindnesss will encompass him